Friday, January 16, 2015

FFVI – Part 76: Tower Dive

Summary: Twelve of our team (all except Cyan and Gogo) airdrop into Kefka’s Tower. Three parties pick three paths and prepare the push for Kefka. Another legendary dragon goes down.

-It’s time. I could spend more time leveling, more time with the Dragon’s Neck Coliseum, more time finding Mog’s last dance, but I think I’m ready to move on.

It’s Kefka time.

-Quick note: I’m a bit disappointed the lack of Kefka since he destroyed the world. We saw his Light of Judgment once or twice, and we’ve seen his impact and his cult, but haven’t actually seen him in any of these side quests.


The Falcon

-I still can’t get into Kefka’s tower, but then remember someone saying we have to fly in from above. We do so, and get a Falcon cutscene.

-Celes worries what would happen if we destroy the Warring Triad, if magic would disappear from the world. (I actually didn’t think the Triad was still around, that Kefka somehow absorbed its power and became its avatar, but I guess they’re still alive?)

-Oh, right. If the Triad dies, what happens to Terra as an esper?

-Time for form THREE parties?? Awesome.

Let’s try:

#1) Celes, Locke, Setzer, Mog

#2) Relm, Strago, Shadow, Umaro

#3) Sabin, Edgar, Gau, Terra.

I’m sure there are better party compositions, but I wanted some story ties. Celes and Locke; Relm, Strago, and Shadow; and Sabin and Gau / Sabin and Edgar.

Gogo and Cyan, I’m sorry. Someone might try to steal the Falcon, and I need my two best people on it. We jump.


Kefka’s Tower

-It’s like a bizarre combination of the technology and searchlights of Vector with the earthy debris of the Floating Continent.

-I spend a massive amount of time setting up each party’s equipment, relics, and espers. Ready.

-Great Malboros are here. Uh oh.

-MOG GOT HIS LAST DANCE HAHAHAH I DID IT – Earth Blues. It can cast Sonic Boom (st wind), Rock Slide (st earth).

-Got “Hypno Crown,” to help Relm’s Control rate.

Monsters of the Tower.

-Pairing Relm and Umaro was a bad choice. Forgot about Relm as a Controller, and Umaro’s berserk breaks it. Oh well. Relm’s still an awesome damage dealer.

-Interesting! The next level is like the factory.

-A random mech monster: Gamma. At least it’s not Omega.

-Got “Fixed Dice” for Setzer. They seem to bring his stats way down, but I’ll try them out. Says they have a “roll” mechanic that I don’t quite understand.

Cool – the Fixed Dice are hit or miss. Especially with Setzer using the Master’s Scroll and Genji Glove, I look forward to his attacks. And when the Fixed Dice hit, HOLY CRAP do they hit hard. Far more reliable than the Slot mechanic, too. I love them.

-Strago learned Roulette (NO THANKS) as well as Bad Breath. Ew.

-Strago’s party moves into… hey, it’s the Vector jail where they kept Kefka!

In Kefka’s old cell is a… something.

-One of the monsters here, Yojimbo, has a deathrattle called “Eye for an Eye,” where he kills someone. He used it on Strago successfully, killing him, even though Strago has the Safety Bit equipped which should prevent that. Huh?

-The monster in Kefka’s cell is “Ultima Buster.”

Didn’t we kill you already?

-He says he’s been here for an eternity, pondering what he should do, and now he has an answer. What’s the answer? Fight us? Seems… small.

-Partway through the fight, “A strange light surrounds Ultima.” Hm. We defeat him.

-And he becomes a save point. That was your purpose that you pondered all these long eons? Kind of a let down.

-Fighting a Humbaba reskin called Muud Suud.

-Strago learned “Mighty Guard.” Ooh, Protect and Shell on all allies. Nice!

-Another legendary dragon sitting in a throne room looking thing.

-Gold Dragon. In combat, looks like a Brachiosaur. Weak against water. It “begins storing energy,” but before it can get off whatever super attack it wants to get off, we kill it. 1 dragon remaining.


Next time: further into the tower.