Monday, February 2, 2015

FFVII – Part 1: Factory Settings

What time is it?  Final Fantasy VII time!

Things I know about this game:

1) Sephiroth is a character in it.  A villain if I had to guess, since I've heard his name in the same breath as Kefka's.

2) The game's logo makes it look like an FFIV:TAY style moon crashing into the earth.

3) It was on the PlayStation.  (I'll be playing the PC version.)

4) People like it.

5) ???

Let's go!


Summary: We set the scene. A high-tech city. We meet two party members, the spiky-haired supersword wielding Cloud and gun-handed Barret. They are part of Avalanche, infiltrating a reactor.


-Already things are different. Never played a Steam game before.

-AN ACHIEVEMENT SYSTEM? BESTILL MY HEART. My inner MMO completionist heart is going pitter-pat right now.

-Look at these graphics! So good. Hello, PlayStation.

-Music is that classic rising-falling scale.

-Is Yoshitako Amano the art person for every FF?

-Time to start.


-Stars. Space. The final frontier.

-Ominous sound effects.

-Still space…

-A lady with flowers. These graphics are so good, they’re blowing my mind. (Sorry for harping on this – just spend the last eight months playing FFI – FFVI.)


-God, look at this CITY! I’m glad they seem to have built upon the steampunk aesthetic of FFVI. Actually, this may end up being beyond steampunk and just purely modern, judging by some of what we’re seeing. (Not familiar enough with steampunk to say accurately.)

-Waiting for a train. Now people are fighting.

-Is this me? Spikehair McBlockerson?

-LOL – this sword is ridiculously big.

-No name. Just “Ex-soldier.” I don’t know anything really about anime, but the portrait for Ex-Soldier feels very typically what I think of as “anime.”

I mean this neutrally, not at all in a negative way.

-Map layout feels so strange coming from 2D games.

-I’m in “Sector 12 Station” now.

-Really enjoying the music so far. Gets me psyched!

-HI BIGGS!!! Is that Wedge with you?

-Nope, just someone named Jesse. (My brother’s name!)

-We’re all part of “Avalanche.” Rebel group?

-Spikehair’s name is “Cloud.”

-Cloud’s all “mysterious badass” style. “Once this job’s over, I’m outta here.” Reminds me immediately of Shadow from FFVI.

-Another playable character already! Barret.

Sweet beard.

-Not sure what “Limit” in combat means. Seems like it fills up though as I take damage.

-We enter the reactor, and the music changes.

Assaulting the reactor.

-Cloud has been in a reactor before, from his work for “Shinra.”

-So many different perspectives and camera angles already.

This will definitely take some getting used to.

-Barret is worried about the planet, but Cloud’s just worried about getting out in one piece.

-Why can’t I see enemy names in combat? This is annoying to me, and I’m sure I just need to select some menu option somewhere. There are cool enemies, including machine gun soldier types, but not sure how to refer to them.

-Also not sure how to pause in combat.

-This is AWESOME! When my limit bar fills up, it lets me do a special attack. Cloud’s is a big sword strike, and…

Cloud’s special limit attack.

-Wait, how did I not notice this. Barret has a MACHINE GUN HAND HOLY SHIT

-Yeah, his special is a massive blast

-What does “Warning! Warning! Enemy sighted!” mean?

-Starting weapons so far are Buster Sword and a frigging Gatling Gun.

-Save point. I’ll stop here.


Next time: finishing the reactor.