Saturday, February 28, 2015

FFVII – Part 17: Of Mako’s Making

Summary: Cloud’s flashback continues. The party – Sephiroth included – reaches the Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor. We learn that Shinra has been experimenting with Mako.

Flashback – Nibelheim

-The next morning. Yay, Tifa’s our guide on Mt. Nibel! And she’s got a wondrous Indiana Jones hat.

-Cloud. AGAIN with the “It’s too dangerous, you can’t go.” Dude. Really?

-Some fanboy wants a photo of Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth.


Flashback - Mount Nibel

-This mountain looks so cool! Reminds me of the Blade’s Edge Mountains in World of Warcraft.


Things going wrong quickly.

-But because this is a video game, everyone’s ok. Though one of the soldiers is now missing… and Sephiroth doesn’t even look for him? Wow. Cold, dude.

-Sephiroth’s in the party with Cloud now! Woohoo! And he has Aeris-hair in the portrait, adding to my belief that they’re brother and sister Ancients.

-Cloud is level 1, with some basic equipment (though the same Buster Sword as he has now). Sephiroth is level 50, and DECKED OUT. Master-level materia up the wazoo, and a Masamune, which has traditionally been an endgame weapon in the FF series.

-First battle, and Sephiroth obliterates the enemies with Quake.

-The caves are suffused with Mako. There’s even a fountain of Mako, which the reactor is draining. Sephiroth tells us that materia is just condensed Mako. Magic comes from Mako, something about the caster interacting with the Planet.

-Interesting. Cloud calls magic “a mysterious power,” and Sephiroth laughs this off. Someone told him to not use vague terms like that, to be more precise and scientific.

AND THAT PERSON WHO TOLD HIM THAT WAS FUCKING HOJO. “He was a walking mass of complexes.” Yeah, that’s one way to put it. The Mako apparently also contains the knowledge of the Ancients.

-They arrive at the reactor. Tifa has to stay outside (she and Aeris really get shit on, don’t they?) because of Shinra secrets inside. Cloud and Sephiroth enter.


Flashback – Nibelheim Reactor

-THIS PLACE LOOKS SO COOL. (I’ve said this a lot, but whatever.)

-And… Jenova is written on the pipes?

So is Jenova a race, is it that specific headless wing beast thing that ripped apart the Shinra Building, or is it something altogether different?

-Hm. Sephiroth sees something wrong, and mutters to himself that Hojo will never become as great as Professor Gast.

-So normally, condensed Mako becomes materia. But Hojo made some adjustments. We look into one of these containment windows.


It’s a monster. Shinra soldiers are showered in Mako to give them power (and that eye glow I imagine is a byproduct), but Hojo gave the creature we see and others like it super doses of Mako, making it monstrous.

-Sephiroth knows he’s different, and starts to freak the fuck out, slashing away. Wondering if he was made the way that monster was.

He always sensed he was different, but now that he sees what these Mako super-soldiers are, he’s really upset.

-One of the pods starts to crack, and the Mako monster busts out.


Present - Kalm

-I was given the chance to save and come back later. I did. However, now I find out that we skip over what happens next!

-Tifa says that after this whole thing (WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE MONSTER THAT BROKE OUT? I have to assume they killed them all), they all returned to Nibelheim. Sephiroth reacted badly – I think to the idea that he was created in a similar way to those monsters – and he shut himself away inside a mansion in the town. “The Shinra Mansion.”


Next time: Sephiroth’s reacts.