Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FFVII – Part 14: Hostile Takeover

Summary: We see the havoc wrought by the Jenova, and by Sephiroth (though we don’t meet him). Everyone in the building is dead - President Shinra included, with a sword through the back. His son, Rufus, swoops in, and aspires to be even worse than his dad. Reach for the stars, kiddo.

Shinra Building – 67th Floor Cells

-We’re in those prison cells.

-Cloud checks on Aeris.

AERIS: “I knew that Cloud would come for me.”
CLOUD: “I’m your bodyguard, right?” Aw.
AERIS: “The deal was for one date, right?”

NO!!! Tifa.

-Aeris says that “the Cetra were born from the planet” and speak/unlock (?) the planet, but she’s not sure on the whole Promised Land thing.

-So she speaks with the planet, but has a hard time hearing it because it’s noisy and full of people. Interesting! The only place she could really hear it was the Church in the slums.

-In the other cell, Red says “….grandpa,” and Barret laughs. I’m not sure what that’s about.

-Barret’s worried about the possibility of Shinra getting even more Mako from the Promised Land. He tries to recruit Red to join the team (YES!), but Red just goes to sleep.

-So does Cloud.


Shinra Building – 67th Floor

-Cloud’s cell door is open. He doesn’t wake Tifa. Is this a dream?

-The guard is out cold. Wtf. This is a bit creepy, and I don’t know why he’s not rousing the others. The music’s eerie too.

-Oh, now he rouses the others.

-Red looks at the guard and says, “No human could’ve done this.” This makes me think the guard is dead in some gruesome way.

-It was the Jenova specimen. (Which I thought was red at first, but was not.) It busted out of its containment and went wild, leaving a bloody trail. I both hope and doubt it ate Hojo.

-As we explore the floor (Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa), some evil dancing turnips attack us.


Shinra Building – 68th Floor

-Got the “Enemy Skill” materia, and I give it to Aeris. Maybe it’s FFVII’s version of blue magic.

-Red’s up here, lying down. Says the thing went upstairs. The combat music on this floor doesn’t change from the normal world music, and the effect is really creepy.


Shinra Building – 69th Floor

-Blood everywhere. This place is a wreck. A post-Beast Wolfram & Hart-style disaster.

-A nerve-wracking save point. I’m about to fight Jenova, right?


Shinra Building – 70th Floor


President Shinra’s in his chair, with a sword through his back. I LOVE YOU. Tbh, I’m surprised. I would’ve thought the beast would kill him with claws and teeth rather than a sword.

-Oh. The sword is Sephiroth’s. Now I remember that Cloud specifically said it was Sephiroth’s Jenova, and I guess the sword is like trademark Sephiroth for our party to recognize it so quickly.

-Barret’s pretty pleased with this. After all, Shinra is dead! Amirite? (probably not)

-A suit named Palmer is still alive, and he is freaking the fuck out. He saw Sephiroth with his own two eyes, and everyone seems astonished. I guess Sephiroth was supposed to be dead, or already is renowned/infamous for reasons.

-Sephiroth said he doesn’t want Shinra to have the Promised Land. So… he’s a good guy? Or, I mean, I don’t think he eventually is a good guy because I’m pretty sure he’s a villain, but maybe we’ll team up for a while or something.

-LOL – Barret has the same reaction. “So he’s a good guy?” But Cloud shoots this down quick. They must know each other.

CLOUD: “Sephiroth’s mission is different.”

-Shinra’s son, Vice President Rufus, appears in a helicopter outside.

Not that Rufus.

Rumor is that he’s hot shit, that he never bleeds or cries, that he was assigned elsewhere for a while.


Shinra Building – Rooftop

-The party introduces itself to Rufus.

-And like two seconds later, any hope of Rufus being a good guy gets squashed. He says that his dad ruled Shinra by saying it would protect people in exchange for their money/support. Rufus wants to rule through pure fear. Basically, he thinks his dad wasn’t a big enough dick, and he’s gonna try to top it.

This dude’s gonna suck, isn’t he?

-Cloud tells everyone to get Aeris out of here, that the true battle for the Planet begins now. Uh oh. They start to leave, before Aeris stops, worried about Cloud alone with Rufus. Tifa stays to help.


Next time: The party splits.