Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fitness - Day 12: Schedule

Not quite "Day 12," I know.  I stopped posting and went back to semi-binging for much of the past 5-6 days.  Picking up where I left off.

Progress to Nutrition Level 3: Spend one week minimizing liquid calories.
 [2/23/15 = 90cal] -  [3/1/15 = 0cal] -  [   ] -  [   ] -  [   ] -  [   ] -  [   ] 

I wrote last week about the value of sucking it up, of grit.  I still believe this is important, and that I can help myself in that regard by building an eating schedule.  I tend currently to just eat whenever, which translates to often throughout the day.  Mindlessly.

Going to try sticking to this schedule this week:

7:00am: Breakfast
11:00am: Lunch (early, but it's when I go at work)
2:30pm: Snack
5:00pm: Snack
7:00pm: Dinner

Really going to try not eating between those times.  Let's see how this goes.