Thursday, March 3, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Day 10

Solid week last week.  Not having a computer at home really threw my life off and I didn't adapt well.  Lost my routine, ended up binging the last few days, but I'm back.

All I can do now is try to eat about 2,500 calories today, tomorrow, and Saturday, and see where weight is on Sunday.  Probably nowhere good. But that's okay too.

Decided to try putting a bit of a timer on things: wherever I'm at by July 1st with weight, I want to start fencing again then.

[posting this at the start of the day to help keep myself accountable, to avoid a scenario where the day goes well and a last minute binge throws it all away.]


12:15pm:  Back from lunch.  1,630 calories down, full with a good lunch.  870 calories to go.

Current plan is to work until around 3:30pm then go to a nearby coffee store to get a skim chai tea latte, 150 calories.  I'll then have a bowl of soup I made at home for dinner with Fritos, and that'll be that.


4:35pm:  Had a small hot chocolate (270 calories) around 3:45pm.  Looking forward to dinner tonight, and then keeping my mind off eating until bed.



  • Breakfast, 7:15am: Two blueberry Eggo waffles with light maple syrup and butter. (400 cal)
  • Snack, 10:15am: Snickers. (250 cal)
  • Lunch, 11:15am: Three soft tacos with chicken, white rice, mild salsa, cheese, guacamole, lettuce. Bottled mocha frappuccino. (980 cal)
  • Snack, 3:45pm: 12 oz. hot chocolate with skim milk, whipped cream. (270 cal)
Total calories: 

