Saturday, March 19, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Project Redux: Day 5/33

Project Redux is my attempt to get back on track by copying my eating and exercise from five successful weeks in late 2015.

Today, copying Day 77.  End of the first Redux week.  I plateaued in the weeks that followed Day 77, so starting tomorrow, we skip ahead!  To Day 113.

Weight: 247.0 (-5.0 lbs from start of project)

  • Three egg omelet with American cheese, tomato, and green pepper.  Biscuit. (850 cal)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • Pretzels. (220 cal) 
  • Cocoa Krispies with skim milk. (310 cal)
  • Microwave chicken pesto meal. (290 cal) 
  • Wheat bread sandwich with light butter and slice of Spam.  Pretzels. (490 cal)
Total calories: 2,350



Walked 2.49 miles in 48:22.

Walked 1.26 miles in 23:56.

Two sets of push-ups (10, 8) and planking (30 seconds, 25 seconds).