Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Project Redux: Day 8/33

Project Redux is my attempt to get back on track by copying my eating and exercise from five successful weeks in late 2015.

Today, copying/adapting Day 115.  Tomorrow will be Day 116.


I really disliked having to adapt my eating today.  Made things much harder and amplified the temptation to binge.  Proud that I decided not to binge.  The toughest part was the trip home from work.  Strong temptation to get chicken nuggets or some kind of fast food and just say "screw it."  Resisted it, got home, had some crackers, and was back on track.

Looking forward to pure copying tomorrow.



  • 16 oz. skim hot chocolate. (270 cal)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • 7 oz. cheeseburger with some chips. (~890 cal)
  • Random gummy candy at office. (150 cal)
  • Crackers. (130 cal)
  • Ramen soup. (380 cal)
  • Chocolate frozen yogurt. (260 cal)
Total calories: 2,250



Two sets of push-ups (10, 10) and planking (25 seconds, 25 seconds).