Saturday, December 15, 2018

FFXIII – Part 21: Enough

Summary: Brynhildr. One of the series’ more brutal encounters as Sazh confronts Vanille.

TW: Discussion and imagery of suicide.


The Euride Incident

-By all laws of gaming, I shouldn’t worry about Vanille. She’s a main character. She even has the Tidus narrative voiceover. But it’s at least possible we’re about to go into a mid-game shock death.

-Sazh heads alone into the Fiendlord’s Keep. Tourists talked about this place like a haunted house.

-Perspective shift back to Vanille. She’s at the end of her rope.

-A hologram of Sazh appears before her.

“You are cold-blooded. Lying, so people would trust you. Using them as shields. How many you gotta drag down with you? A coward and a killer. The people you used don’t get to live – why should you?”

It’s BRUTAL. Too brutal to be real. The real Sazh would be more emotional, more lost in his own pain. This version of Sazh seems laser-focused on hammering at Vanille’s guilt and insecurity.

-“Sazh” fires his guns, but they’re holographic too. Vanille seems to wish they were real.


Sugar and Rainbows

-The real Sazh arrives. Maybe the holographic one was a projection from Nabaat to spur confrontation.

-Vanille turns to him. “My name is Oerba dia Vanille.”

[Later edit: Fang’s name is Oerba Yun Fang. I don’t know Pulsian name conventions. Could mean that they’re sisters, in which case my ship ends. I hope that’s not the case. Could just mean that they’re from the same region or caste. We’ll see.]

She declares herself an agent of Gran Pulse, evil to Cocoon. This is all one big cry for death.

-Sazh won’t let her off that easily. Her death won’t solve anything. He doesn’t even know what he wants from her, and she doesn’t know how to rectify things.

SAZH: “It’s over. There’s nothing to do. Shooting you won’t help. Neither will living.”

-He falls to his knees, defeated. His brand starts to glow. Smells like Eidolons.

-A red orb appears above him and an Eidolon jumps out. Fire aside, I don’t think that’s Ifrit.

-Sazh doesn’t want to fight, when Vanille jumps in front of him. Sazh slowly rises and joins her.

I love both these characters deeply. Both as individuals and in this tragic relationship.

-The Eidolon’s wearing some brutal heels. Brynhildr. A new one! She looks super cool.

-“Yields to those who strengthen their allies.” Synergist time.

-Dead. Didn’t quite fill the gestalt bar. Maybe I should solely buff, no attacking.

-That’s not quite working… what about a mix? Fully buff up, then attack/heal as best I can.

-VICTORY! That was it. Building their chain gauge seemed to build the gestalt gauge even though I didn’t fully complete it.

I LOVE THIS TRANSFORMATION! SHE’S LIKE A SPORTS CAR OR GO CART OR SOMETHING! LET’S RIDE! [Later edit: I know absolutely nothing about cars, is this meant to resemble a specific car.]

-I also love that Sazh’s task in this dark moment wasn’t to kill Brynhildr. It was to support his friend. Perhaps even begin to forgive.

-Even so, after, he pulls his gun on Vanille.

She’s afraid but doesn’t fight back. She still believes this is what she deserves.

SAZH: “Lots of things can be excused. Shooting kids ain’t one.” He lowers his weapon. She’s so young.

Now Vanille falls to her knees. Overwhelmed by EVERYTHING.

VANILLE VOICEOVER: “Kindness like his you don’t forget.”

OH FUCK NO – It’s raining and thundering, and in one of the lightning flashes we see a shadow of Sazh putting the gun to his own head.

SAZH: “Enough is enough.” HE FIRES< NO NO NO

There’s no chance he did it, right? This has got to be a fake out, I’m pretty sure.

-We pan outside the Fiendlord’s Keep. Soldiers line the walkway, Nabaat waits at the end in a ship.

-Vanille and Sazh are coming out of the building as prisoners.



-Nabaat just looks pleased with herself.

“For every task, there’s a perfect tool.”


[Later edit: look I was angry, my insult game was not on point]

-Vanille voiceover. That all Cocoon was against them, and now that they’re “dead,” things were supposed to return to normal.


The Sanctum Skyfleet

-A news report talks of the Palamecia, “pride of the Sanctum skyfleet.”

I’m sure there’s some crew member aboard who just finished playing FFII, thinking: “Are we the baddies?”

-The Palamecia is carrying Vanille (AND THE DISGUISED-AS-DEAD SAZH PLZ??? I’LL BE LEGIT MAD IF THEY ACTUALLY KILLED HIM OFF) to the capital.

-Perspective switch to the rest of our party aboard the Lindblum.

-The primarch will judge the l’Cie and likely sentence them to death.

-This is all theater to cement Sanctum/fal’Cie power, and to bait us into a rescue operation.

-lol of course Snow and Fang are like “yeah, definitely a trap, don’t care.”

I don’t ship them, but I do friend-ship them.



-Painkillers and mallets are now in the shops, implying that Fog and Pain are about to become a thing.

-Lots of new accessories on sale. Tempting, but I really want to save my gil for weapon upgrades unless it’s a huge accessory upgrade.

-The Palamecia is the ship that dropped the Pulse Vestige near the Hanging Edge during the Purge.

-Lightning’s entry highlights her forgiveness of Snow and her new focus on helping Serah. Thanks, Fang.

-The Cavalry is protecting Bartholomew. Good.

-There are four 840g components now available at Lenora’s Garage: Passive Detector, Ring Joint, Crank Shaft, Turbojet. I bought five of each to test out on an x3 modifier Level 6 Power Circle.

Passive Detectors: 2.820 xp, drops modifier to x1.75
Ring Joint: 3,120 xp, drops modifier to x2
Crank Shaft: 3,225 xp, drops modifier to x2
Turbojet: 3,180 xp, drops modifier to x2

Still hard to tell the differences between the latter three, but I’ll switch from Passive Detectors to Crank Shafts for my primary xp upgraders.

-Next time I get some gil to burn, I’ll conduct a similar test with the 80g modifier upgrade components.


Next time: attacking the Palamecia.