Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Level Up - Part 10: How to Fall Down

TW: shame around eating

This afternoon was rough. I consciously gave up the eating goals and plans I had. The details don't matter.

I limited the damage. This project actively helped me. I wanted to keep playing my WoW character, and my requirement is that each day I play, I keep building myself.

Used that burst of motivation in the best way possible: infrastructure. I did four loads of laundry, cleaned the dishes, paid the rent, and mailed out Hanukkah presents. Four huge things that had been clogging my mental landscape.

On we go.


Hit level 26 and finished the haunted wood of Darkshire. The next zone in the region is Stranglethorn Vale, a steamy jungle. I don't have a whole lot of interest in it, so I'm shifting things up. Going go quest next in the lands around Ironforge. Dwarf and gnome country. A snowy clime that should provide a nice change of pace.

These regions should also help me start building my Ironforge rep!