Monday, July 12, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 48: Enter Ifrit [Unspoiled]

Summary: Wrapping up tasks and dialogue before the next chapter 5 mission day. Trying my first eidolon.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) Jackpot Shot/Triad seems good against low-mobility or big enemies, but terrible against smaller dudes. Am I underestimating it?

2) Do you use any different altocrystarium strats? Like, going for Blizzard ROK instead of BOM, etc.?

3) SO GLAD I went back to the Lounge to find the new task and dialogue.

4) Could I have just turned in the 1000 SPP I already had earned for the task this time, or did I have to earn 1000 new SPP?

5) Really glad I tried Ifrit. Looking forward to eidolons a lot more and seeing what the progression path there looks like.