Friday, July 30, 2021

FFXIV – Part 252: Cat’s Vengeance [Amal’jaa Beast Tribe]

Summary: Aiding a miqo’te’s blood feud against Ifrit-worshipping Amal’jaa. 

As with the other beast tribes, it’s been so long since I started this quest line that I have no memory or notes of the plot here. The completed quest log shows that this is about the Brotherhood of Ash, a group of Amal’jaa who hate their Ifrit-worshipping brethren. (A common ARR theme.)

The Flamefangs are the main group of antagonistic Amal’jaa going around kidnapping and murdering.


Ranger Rescue

-A hostile group of Amal’jaa have raided the Miqo’te settlement of Forgotten Springs. I team up with a catgirl ranger – as badass as she is scantily clad – to free the hostages.

-SHE’S FANTASTIC. Loonh Gah, a member of the Brotherhood of Ash. I especially love her mask.

Loonh and her buddy.

-The hostage we save is another Miqo’te who remembers Loonh as a child. Did the Brotherhood kidnap Loonh as a kid?

-The truth is unveiled as I ask around at the Forgotten Springs. An Amal’jaa hunting party attacked and “killed” Loonh (formerly “U’loonh”) and her mother. Everyone presumed she was dead, anyway.

We still don’t know WHICH Amal’jaa assaulted the pair. What if the Flamefangs attacked, Loonh escaped, and the Brotherhood of Ash adopted her to save her?

Though even then, that’s not great. They had the chance to return her to the village. On the OTHER other hand, the Brotherhood of Ash thought they were doing right by the kid.

-Loonh confirms as much.

“[The warleader] gazed down upon my battered face, and gave me a simple choice: ‘Linger here and die, or come with me and fight.’”

-She joined them. Willingly. (As willingly as any traumatized child.) She embraced the tribe’s ways as a chance to grow strong and gain vengeance.


An Eye on the Inside

-Ifrit’s tempering has a nasty side effect: it makes it really easy to get spies into the Eorzean settlements and capture more tempering targets.

-As we confront this, a swarm of Flamefangs capture us and have us at their mercy. They let us go – the whole “tell the Brotherhood of Ash that they have no hope, mwa ha ha” thing.


The villain arrives.

-Joke’s on them. They don’t know they’re dealing with a video game protagonist. I’m able to break into the Flametongue camp to free some prisoners before they can get tempered to Ifrit.


Martial Perfection

-Loonh has left camp to take out Zagozz. VENGEANCE CAT ACTIVATED. I really hope I don’t kill-steal her and that she gets the satisfaction of clawing that asshole apart herself.

-The Brotherhood of Ash’s chief, Hamujj Gah, is unable to help. They’re not allowed to interfere in blood vendettas.

Guess which lalafel isn’t bound by their laws! 
-I go help Loonh break into the main Flametongue camp.


WHITE-HAIRED MIQO’TE: “You can’t have [Loonh]! No one can have her! She’s been promised to the Lord of the Inferno!” Is she just despairing or has she been tempered?

(As I write this we can cure tempering, but since this quest is from ARR I’m head-canoning this moment as something that Ququshu did back in that era.)

This poor woman…

-Yup. She’s tempered. It seems to have inflicted titanic mental and emotional damage. She’s cradling a rock, holding it and laughing as if the rock is baby Loonh.

-Zagozz shows up here to laugh and mock. Dude. You have no idea how dead you are! Cause the answer is “super super duper dead.”

-The battle begins. Zagozz charges up a fiery blast, but Loonh couldn’t care less. My little supportive side quest just now had me destroy Ifrit’s power nodes in the area, so his magic is weak.

Her arrow busts through the fire magic shield and NAILS that jerk in the chest.

-He IMMEDIATELY gives up lololol. Prostrates himself. And she shows mercy! Sorta.

At her mercy.

-But it was all a ruse. As she walks away, this utterly unredeemable jackwagon mwa-ha-has and tosses his axe her way.

-WOOOO SAVE BY THE FLAMETONGUE! Despite their code restricting them from helping, the warleader showed up.

HAMUJJ GAH: “You fought with honor and with courage! Such was my proud exultation, the dagger flew unbid from my hand – how unfortunate, then, that Zagozz The stood in its path.”

Hamujj Gah: proud warchief.

I. Love. Everything. About. This.

LOONH GAH: “Were you watching, mother? You have been avenged.”

-She returned her mother, tempered as she is, to Forgotten Springs. At that point there’s no hope for recovery from tempering, but maybe she can find peace.

Ququshu on her new mount.

Random Stuff Around Eorzea

Some amazing glamours:

xD pz.jpg">

An FFXV-Castlevania crossover:

A classic party make-up:

A mecha-dragon-thing mount?

Captain Korea!

Riding on an antelope mount my friend Raq got me:

While working on my monk, I got to break out these Yo-Kai Watch event gauntlets:

Completed my first Bozja gear set recently. I LOVE the look!

My friend Cat’s badass look. She looks like a lead in the Matrix:

Some great player names I’ve seen recently:

Fluffy Flake
Bunny Himbo
Kritniss Everdeeps
Meow Mixx
Average Hotdog
Schmingus Shackleber
Thelonious Funk
Pantsu Chan
Bloody Butterfly
Pizza Datass
Theangrybeaver Beaver
Duge Hick
Rufio Lostboy
Glucose Daddy
Bendy Cucumber


Next time: The 1-30 pugilist quests.