Wednesday, July 14, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 49: The First Battle of Judecca [Unspoiled]

Summary: Splitting the class. Taking the fight to Concordia and their amazing l'Cie. Army of dragons.


Six Thoughts/Questions

1) I keep getting lured in by the promise of understanding finishing magic. Grr. If I do end up trying NG+, it'll be after I read a guide or find a video on this topic. There are so many abilities that interact with finishing magic and it feels bad to just not use them.

2) WE DID SECRET TRAINING WITH TONBERRY! I'm so happy they included that as a name. I now get the image of a little tonberry Mr. Miyagi, teaching Cater to be strong and wise.

3) Naghi! I know I've met him before, but I just met him in the manga as a super serious spy kid getting along with Miwa. I now know the origin of his headband/head scarf.

4) I continue to love how Type-0 emphasizes that while Class Zero is heroic and awesome, they're just one small part of a big world. And not even CLOSE to the most powerful thing here. The battle cinematic over Judecca blew my frigging balls off. Bahamut and Odin and Soryu and titanic armies clashing. The VISUALS!!! FIGHTING ON SORYU'S FROZEN BREATH IN THE CLOUDS ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

5) SORYU. WTFFFFF SORYU WAS COOLER (no pun intended) THAN I COULD HAVE IMAGINED!!! I read through his entry in the Rubicus and got hyped to see him. He exceeded my hype by a factor of a billion.

Incidentally, I wonder if his design was influenced by Seath the Scaleless from Dark Souls:

Maybe not. That's the only white frost-crystalline dragon I know of, but maybe it's a broader trope.

5) I got a little bit salty in that final fight against Sanzashi, but unlike the Brionac fight, I see now what I should have done differently. I should have used a ranged character, played defensively during the pure air phase, and gone for the breaksights when the boss swooped down.

My bad!