Monday, July 26, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 54: Through His Eyes [Unspoiled]

Summary: Kazusa attempts to mourn. Arena testing. Rubicus review, including entries on Bahamut ZERO, Incognitus, and Gilgamesh.


Five Thoughts/Question

1) I feel like I'm getting closer on the finishing magic. I'll get there one day!

2) Did the points I put into the Altocrystarium make most of my tier one spells instant cast even without finishing magic? That would explain why I haven't seen the value of tier 1 Quick Draw.

3) That section with Kazusa was UTTERLY FRIGGING HEARTBREAKING. Mourning Kurasame without really knowing where this fount of emotion came from.

4) In the Emina spying scenes like the one I had today, was there anything else I could've done by zooming in and out? Is there some secret thing I'm supposed to do there, or is it just a creepy voyeuristic feature?

5) I'm incredibly excited to learn more about Type-0's Gilgamesh. His Rubicus entry has so much promise.