Saturday, July 31, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 56: Remains of Big Bridge [Unspoiled]

Summary: Rubicus annals review. Mementos of Kurasame and Caetuna. Behemoths of Behemel Caverns. L'Cie crystals.  


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) After hearing this session, I'll try to raise my own volume a bit relative to the game audio. The room I'm recording in now has carpet rather than hardwood. I wonder if that muffles the audio. (I know nothing about acoustics, so just a guess.)

2) Yet AGAIN I went hunting around for a quest item when it was just sitting in my inventory! I really need to get into the habit of just talking to the quest giver as soon as I accept it, just to check.

3) I'm usually not a fan of the "kill something way higher level than you" quests, but I enjoyed the Meroe behemoth quest. Sure, it was about 20 levels higher than me, but it was right near a save point and felt doable.

4) I'm excited to explore the four tougher zones that the Dungeon Master mentioned here. Well... maybe "excited" isn't the right word when I think about the malboro dungeon. Interested? Curious? Yeah, those are more accurate.

5) I love the l'Cie diversity of foci. Was I interpreting Kanna's focus (46:10) correctly as the person who helped Rubrumites learn magic?