Monday, August 23, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 66: Big Scary World [Unspoiled]

Summary: Peeking in at places that don't want me. Berith Desert, Tower of Agito, Valley of Monsters. Preparing for the invasion of Ingram.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) I had a quest to raise my SPP rank and opted to ignore it for now. I'll just do grindy stuff in NG+. I can smell the end getting closer!

2) Thank you to Almaeron for letting me know the Lost Tome was just SITTING IN MY INVENTORY for the quest. XD

3) The Tower of Judecca is exactly what I feared the Silent Key would be. *grumbles about level 128 tonberries*

4) I was surprised by how doable the level 50-60 random world enemies I came across felt, even with me in the high 30s.

5) The Valley of Monsters looks like it was plucked from Aurum Vale in XIV. Or the reverse, more likely. What a terrifying place. The malboro was suitably gross.