Friday, August 27, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 68: Prophecy of the Nameless Tome [Unspoiled]

Summary: Akademia's remnants try to piece together a response to the apocalypse.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) I started this by reviewing parts of the last video since so much of the chapter transition just blasted by me. I just seem to remember parts of that new chapter that showed brief flashes of things with a red film over them and couldn't find that section.

Was I imagining that, or was that part of the chapter 8 that I just didn't missed somehow in review?

2) I remember very vague parts of FFXIII and that cosmology, but not much specific. Some names and images. Please feel free to refresh me on anything the game expected me to remember that I missed, with my thanks!

3) I'm looking forward to seeing the Rubicus updates in NG+ as I kill some of those more interesting high end enemies, like the malboros and tonberries. Malboros could just be random wild beasts, but tonberries often have interesting history.

4) Speaking of history: that Concordian history I learned about here surprised me. I had thought that the Dracobaltians were an offshoot sect of Concordia, not the predecessor that became corrupted.

5) The kids' reactions to the apocalypse were fascinating. They were (relatively) chill! Joking and worried about not feeling too sad. I found it disconcerting or unrealistic at first, but not in hindsight. It seems a very young way of looking at the apocalypse. These are still basically kids.