Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chrono Trigger – Part 24: Zealots

Summary: Leaving Algetty. Exploring the kingdom of Zeal, getting a sense of its people. Encounter with Dalton.


-Dalton came here following the Skyway that Schala created. We have to use that to pursue.

-Creating a Skyway just like that sounds pretty tough. If Schala created that and Janus is more powerful, he must be powerful af.

-Swapping my party to Crono, Marle, and Ayla. I want to build their dual tech and go for more triple techs.

-I could be totally wrong about Janus btw. Maybe he’s acting in good faith, and really just wants to rescue Schala and wants to get close to Lavos to destroy him. Still don’t trust him yet. Would be happy to be proven wrong.



-Headed up the skyway. I think I was wrong before – I thought that Schala created a new Skyway, but looks like she just opened up the one to Zeal.

-Not much new here, but I figured out the puzzle of the doorway that some dude mentioned last time. The key to the puzzle was what one of the pig goblins, Doreen, said. She said that the order matters to open those books. Tested different orders and got it.

-There’s a Nu inside the secret gate, who we challenge to combat.

-The Nu split into six. I don’t know if it’s a tough fight or not. They each bop us down to one hit point, but I don’t know if they can finish us off.

Not that I wait to find out. Two shots of Falcon Hit, the linear dual tech between Ayla and Crono, knocks them all out. Huge haul of experience, and a barrage of techs, including Cube Toss, Ice Toss (both Ayla/Marle),

-The name of this save chapter is pretty ominous btw: “What Lies Beyond?” That, plus Janus’s black wind talk, makes me think Lovecraft.



-I missed this town last time, baby, and I don’t want to miss a thiiiiing.

-The Enlightened Ones seem to know that they’re living in a false utopia: “Your power differs from ours. In you, I sense a strange aura of… kindness…” Some at least. Others are proud in their awfulness.

-Combining the Rainbow Shell (the thing sought after in the middle ages) and Sun Stone (maybe from the Sun Cave in pre-history) creates great items, but elemental power is forbidden to all but the Guru of Life. Maybe Melchior has them.

-The Sun Keep is on the southern continent. It holds the Sun Stone, once the source of power in this world. Hm. Perhaps we’ll eventually have to substitute the healthier Sun Stone for the destructive Mammon Machine to solve the issues here.

-Concern abounds regarding Janus.

-There are three magic books in Kajar, like in Enhasa. Betting it’s another puzzle.

-A Moon Stone can be recharged if you leave it in the sun, but it takes eons. Probably will have to take a Moon Stone, put it in the Sun Cave in pre-history, and collect it from the cave in the Dark Ages.

-A Nu gives us the proper book order for the puzzle. Water, wind, fire.

-A secret passage opens. A poyozo is inside. It disappears, laughs creepily, and leaves behind a “Black Rock.” !!!An accessory that gives us a Triple Tech? Wow. Badass.

-The book in the secret passage talks about how many in ages past picked up a red rock that granted power and strife.

-There’s a tab over a bookshelf that I can’t… quite… reach.

AHA! JACKPOT! I had to go into the next room and click the wall to essentially reach into the other room.

-The Enlightened Ones can be pretty assholish. All this talk about how the Earthbound deserve their place because they don’t have the skill to be up in the clouds. Ugh. Gross levels of condescension.

-Checked out the Blackbird quickly.

The plane is being guarded by two dudes. Not time to fly yet.

-Back to the lion’s den.


Zeal Palace

-The secret rooms in Enhasar and Kajar belonged to Balthasar. Cool.

-Everyone seems psyched about the completion of the Ocean Palace, thinking it’ll grant them immortality.

Spoiler alert: I’m from the future! It didn’t work! Y’all are dead!

-The Mammon Machine has been moved to the Ocean Palace already to tap Lavos more directly. Lovely.

-Into the throne room. The bitter Dalton guards the passage to the Ocean Palace, jealous of the Prophet.

-Boss time.

-When I attack, Dalton retaliates by halving the attacker’s HP. He says “Go ahead, attack!” so time to wait and heal up.

-No luck. He just keeps using his attack. So I go HAM on Dalton with the might new Ayla/Marle tech and defeat him.

-He escapes. Creates a gate and hops through. I save before pursuing.


Next time: into the Ocean Palace.