Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - May 24, 2016

One of my major hangups that's led me to eat out often is that I don't know how to cook.  So my goal today to progress in Coldrun Fitness was to cook dinner and write down the ingredients I used and how I cooked in a composition book I'm using as a new cookbook.


Nothing major.  Really small I suppose, but it worked.  I made a baked potato.  (Sort of lol.)

Took a potato, washed it, coated it in olive oil, poked it with a fork, and popped it in the microwave on a plate.  700 watt microwave.  5 minutes, turn, 5 more minutes.

Cut it open, added butter, salt, pepper, and canned peas.  Mashed it all up and ate it.

It was awesome.  Next time I may try getting some shredded cheddar or peppers or who knows what.  This is a good template.