Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - May 31, 2016

Over this past week, I've gotten started on various fitness activities.  Just a taste of each of them.  Preparing food at home.  Eating mindfully. Exercising. Tracking.  Usually just one or two of these at a time.

My goal: start fencing again in July.  Use this next month, June 2016, to build better habits.  And yet, here's the key for me: build better habits without allowing myself to dwell on or be wracked by the feelings of anxiety, shame, failure, and self-hatred that come with excessively high expectations.

So here's the plan: I've put together a checklist of good habits that I want to build.  This will be my new log.  I'll work on what I can, and try to gradually increase the number of things I succeed in each day.

But this is a long list.  I won't check everything off.  Hell, there will be days where I check almost nothing off.  THAT'S OK.  Contrary to what my brain wants to tell me, it doesn't make me a terrible failure of a human being.  Low stress, low anxiety, celebrate when I do a lot of these things, and don't worry about when I don't.


Posting this early today and checking stuff off as I go.  Dunno if I'll do that on future days or just post at the end of the day going forward.

Food prepared at/from home (not eating out)
[  ] - breakfast
[  ] - lunch
[  ] - dinner
[  ] - snacks

Mindful eating
[  ] - breakfast
[  ] - lunch
[  ] - dinner

[x] - tracked food at all
[  ] - tracked calories under 3,000 (not mindless binge)
[  ] - tracked calories under 2,600

Food Log
  • Bottled vanilla frappuccino. (200 cal)
  • Chipotle burrito bowl with white rice, steak, vegetables, mild salsa, cheese, guacamole. (960 cal)
  • Smores frappuccino. (330 cal)
  • Chicken sandwich with cheese, onion rings. (1,180 cal)
  • Hershey kisses. (400 cal)
Total calories: 3,070

[  ] - cardio
[  ] - strength/bodyweight

Supporting habits
[x] - brush teeth after last time eating
[x] - clean dishes
