Monday, May 16, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - May 16, 2016 [in progress]

Dissatisfaction drives change.  If I'm happy with how things are going, then no change is necessary.  Seems pretty simple and standard, but as I use Nerd Fitness Academy as a guide post, I want to ensure that I don't go farther than I need.

The first big change from what I had been doing immediately prior was tracking my food, even without adjusting what I ate.  Definite progress.  Less likely to binge.

Was it enough?  Do I stop there?  No.  I don't.  I binged less, but I also ate more than I needed to lose weight and didn't really exercise.


Next up: count calories.  There's an honest chance I may find satisfaction here and not need to move on for a while.  No need to make that decision yet.  I'll give this "level 2" a good chance, try to become someone who adheres to a calorie limit once again, and see if I feel satisfied with progress after a while or if I need to adjust other habits.

First calorie limit: 2,700/day max.  It's about 400-500 calories lower than what I was eating in stage 1.  Will try that for a couple of weeks, and if it feels too high at that point, I'll reduce it.

Morning weight: 254.0 lbs


Food Log
  • Iced skim white mocha. (200 cal)
  • Cookie. (550 cal)
  • Lamb shawarma wrap with cucumber and tahini sauces. (600 cal)