Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chrono Trigger – Part 3: The Line of Leene

Summary: Back in the Middle Ages. A queen who isn’t what she seems, a cathedral that isn’t what it seems. “Marle” and Lucca.

-Trippy portal sequence.

-It spits Crono out into an autumnal wooded area.

-lol he got the PowerGlove from a treasure chest. It’s so bad.

-hee, I’m pretty sure a couple of imps are kicking a soccer ball around.

And by “soccer ball,” I apparently mean “green monster called Roly.”


-Saved, and this chapter is called “The Queen Returns.”

-I’m in the same location, just an earlier time.

-This is 600 AD. 21st king of Guardia reigns. This must be in the middle of the war with Magus.

-The blacksmith, Banta, is forging the Leene bell now. This is wild.

-Queen Leene was found wandering in the mountains. The bell is a gift for her from the king.

-The way south is barred since Magus destroyed the Zenan Bridge that would lead there.

-The box sealed for generations is STILL sealed.

-That’s all I see to do in town.


Guardia Forest

-Beautiful music!

-The transition to combat sequences here is so dynamic, so smooth. And the enemies are animated, which is unusual for this era (judging by earlier FFs).

-Got some items and some gold fighting imps, rolys, and blue eaglets. Heading back to town.



-An explorer, Toma, has me buy him a drink in exchange for a story.

-The queen disappeared while visiting a cathedral to the west.




-I dunno what Toma was talking about. There’s nothing weird at all about this cathedral.

Nope. Not a thing. The nuns say things like, “What delicious… er, delightful looking humans!” and “the organ recital is a real killer.” Yeah, they clearly do not want to eat me and are certainly not monsters in disguise.


To the Castle

-I want to see this queen now. 60% chance she has the “To Serve Man” cookbook.

-Through the forest again. Found another of those “Sealed with Mysterious Energy” boxes.


-What the hell’s going on? Is Marle just a descendant of the queen who is faking it back here? Seems highly unlikely. [later edit: lol apparently it wasn’t highly unlikely] If she’s the real queen, how did she get into the future in the first place?

-People say the “Queen” looks 10 younger now than at her wedding 10 years ago.

-Just the two of us now. She seems like the old Marle from before, same personality.

-ruh roh Raggy – the room is glowing with a green light and something’s happening.

-Aaaaaand she disappeared. When she was alone with Crono. Crono’s nine kinds of fucked, isn’t he?

-He starts booking it downstairs out of the tower, hoping nobody notices I guess, and Lucca arrives huffing and puffing.

-Can I just say how much I love Lucca’s sprite?

Cause it’s a lot. I love it a lot.

-Ah. Lucca has the answer. Marle is Princess Nadia, Leene’s descendant in 1,000 AD. (Btw, definitely curious if we’ll ever go into the future, or just back to the past.)

-Oh wow, this is awesome. We see the line from Leene to Nadia. As each new queen shows up on this black background, a girl appears to her right and grows instantaneously.

Then the first in the line gets kidnapped, killed, and the rest of the line disappears. This is some Back to the Future bullshit right here.

We have to save history by saving Leene.

-The Chancellor’s acting weird. Hostile, defensive. Everyone else in the castle notices it. But not to worry!


-Knights here are hoping for Sir Cyrus to help them out. (Again, can’t help but think of Sir Cyan.) He commanded the knights that guard the king and queen. Disappeared when he left with a friend.

-The Yakra is an ancient beast that was banished when the cathedral was built to the west. I wonder if we’ll see her when we travel even further back in time, or now, in 600 AD. Hell, maybe the Nuns from Hell are even hoping to revive the Yakra.

-Hee! I love seeing the confusing sown by “Queen Leene.”

-Took a spot of dinner. Power Stew. Recovered HP and ready to go.


Next time: Back to town to get a new gun for Lucca, and then onto the cathedral. Or should I say “cath-eeeeevil?”

No. No, I shouldn’t.