Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chrono Trigger – Part 8: My Robot Friend

Summary: Hey there, have you heard about my robot friend? They’re metal and small and don’t judge me at all. They’re a cyber-wire bundle of joy.

Sewer Access

-There are two choices of where to go now. Lab 32 or the Sewers that lead south. I know that I should go to Lab 32. It’s the way to the Proto Dome. But because of that, because it leads to the Gate to 1,000 AD, I want to explore the sewer ruins if I can first, then backtrack to Lab 32 and the Proto Dome.

-While we crawl down the latter, a robot thing (maybe?) flies by, saying it must report our presence to Lord Krawlie. Doesn’t sound good for us.

-A boss and underling frog see us and hide away.

This is weird.

-Tough area. I don’t exactly regret coming here yet, but the monsters are much tougher than the last area.

-The game trolls me! I go to a save point in the sewers and it turns out to just be bait for the merfolk monsters that populate the area to attack me.

-Ruh roh. I found Sir Krawlie.

Hahahahahaha he has like 5-6 exchanges where he and his guard are just cackling evilly back and forth to each other. XD XD XD

-Short fight, but nasty. He had one ability that knocked Lucca down to 1hp.

-Out. Glad I detoured through here, if only for some of the items I got like the accessory giving me a 50% chance to retaliate when hit.



-Map says this is 2,300 AD. 300 years after Day of Lavos.

-I can go either to the Keeper Dome on this continent or Death Peak. Let’s start with the Keeper Dome. Sounds less… deathy.


Keeper Dome

-There’s an old man in here. And a giant mutant fish.

-The man is muttering that I should NOT go to Death Peak. Not yet anyway.

I believe him.

-He designed the “Ocean Palace and the Blackbird.” Could be art, but I’d bet the Ocean Palace is a ship and the Blackbird is an airship/plane.


-He calls the fish mutant “Schala.” I think?

-Time for what amounts to almost certain death.


Death Peak

-A tall snowy mountain.

-We start to climb and get blown back out of the zone by strong wind. The old man was right – it’s not time yet.


Lab 32

-Made our way back through the sewer access to the northern continent.

-Hot damn! It’s Doan’s bike. By “bike” I mean “sweet-ass futuristic limo-cycle.”

-We’re about to fight some robots off, when a Man strolls up to us, complete with funky music. I’m pretty sure he’s wearing wheels on his back.

Heeeeeeere’s JOHNNY!

-We have to race Johnny. This is unexpected. Thought I’d just have to fight my way through more robots, not race whoever this dude is.

-F-ZERO TIME! Johnny beats us. I think I get the hang of it now though.

-ARRGH! Lost again. Fucking Johnny.

-One more time. I think I can win this, if I save my boosts for the end.

-FUCKING FUCK I CAN”T WIN. Lol I’m so bad at this. Come on, fifth time’s a charm.

-FINALLY! Figured out that there was no point in worrying about anything until the very end since I couldn’t fall behind him, and just coasted before using my boost at the last second with him not in front of me.


Proto Dome

-Tried entering the factory before the Proto Dome, but the way inside was barred.

-Killer robots live here, but not people.

-A humanoid robot lives at the end. It delights Lucca, and I remember that back in 1,000 AD she was thinking about whether it would be possible to build one.

She had built Gato, but I think she meant that she wanted a robot that acted like a human, not just a human-shaped robot.

-She wants to fix it up. Marle is worried it’ll go all terminator on us, but Lucca… well.

LUCCA: “Machines aren’t capable of evil… humans make them that way.”

She pities it. You’re wonderful, Lucca. Never change please.

-Work montage as she builds it back up. Then she gives it some juice, and BAM! It’s working.

-hehe it’s super polite and formal, sticking to proper etiquette and thanking “Madam Lucca” for fixing it.




-Robo is surprised that no humans are around. How long were they asleep for?

-We can’t open the door to get to the gate. Need to get to turn on the juice in the factory, and one person has to stay behind. Marle or Lucca.

-Hm. I really want to keep Robo and Lucca united, but don’t want to lose my healing. Don’t know what Robo will add to the team, but until I learn their techs I’ll have to assume they’re a damage dealer rather than a healer. Lucca stays, Marle comes.

-I can still switch! Robo has a heal too… but it’s just a single-target heal, not the group heal that Aura Whirl provides. Something I’ve learned from my time with Final Fantasy is to never underestimate the importance of group heals when venturing into unknown territory. Sticking with Crono, Lucca, and Marle.

-Btw, I really hope I get dual techs that don’t focus on Crono. I want Robo + Lucca, I want Marle + Lucca, I want Frog + Marle, the whole deal. So far, Crono is the most boring character on my roster by far.


Next time: back to the factory.