Friday, April 15, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Day 4 [complete]

Day started in the danger zone, finished solidly.  Basketball!

Fitness Log

  • Breakfast: Sesame bagel with light plain cream cheese. Skim chocolate milk. (630 cal)
  • Snack: Chocolate chip croissant. (300 cal)
  • Lunch: About 3/5 of a Chipotle burrito bowl with white rice, vegetables, half steak/half shredded beef, salsa, cheese, guacamole.  About half of a bottled mocha frappuccino. (830 cal)
Today has been a struggle.  I haven't eaten mindfully.  Habits from the past few days have helped me eat more slowly despite not eating mindfully - they're what allowed me to stop when I was full at lunch rather than continuing - but it's a slippery slope to beware of.

2:15pm: Yeah, it makes today tougher.  Trying to convert the mental gymnastics I go through when hungry into feelings that are simpler to deal with.  Right now, I'm sorely tempted to go grab another free chocolate croissant from the break room.  My mind keeps rolling the idea around trying to make it work, thinking what I'd have to cut back on, what exercise I'd have to do to make up for it, and on and on and on.  So much subconscious energy.

What's really going on?  I'm feeling unfocused and fidgety.

Going to take a short break, walk outside, grab an iced skim chai, and come back.  Should solve those issues at a much lower calorie cost.  That's what I'm betting, anyway.
  • Snack: Iced skim chai tea latte. (200 cal)
  • Played basketball for 15-20 minutes.  Felt great!  It was just me, shooting around and running after my shots, but worked up a good sweat and feeling tired.  Will continue to work this in to my fitness routine when the mood strikes.
  • Dinner: Microwave chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. Half cup of vanilla frozen yogurt. (550 cal)
Total calories: 2,510