Sunday, April 24, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - April 24, 2016

Home from spending the holiday with my family.  Feeling calmer and better going forward after a really brutal, self-hating, self-destructive period.

I've decided to go a bit retro.  Rejoining Nerd Fitness Academy ("NFA"). 

This was one of the first things I tried in Coldrun Gaming.  Why am I going back to it then if I tried it and it didn't work?  What will be different?

1) Flexibility.  I approached it before as a rigid plan to follow to the letter.  Going to be easier on myself, treat it as an expert providing advice that I can try and see if it works for me.  Key words: for me.  I won't automatically assume I'm bad or wrong or awful for not sticking with a specific guideline or suggestion.

tl;dr: This time, I'll try to be wary of slipping into self-hate and guilt.

2) Community.  djinn87, among others in my life, suggested finding community to support my goals.  NFA features an active forum community and a Facebook page.


So yeah.  That's where I'm at.  I'll write about different elements of this that jump out at me as I go.