Saturday, April 18, 2015

FFVII – Part 51: Hop a Train

Summary: Cait Sith tells of Shinra’s plan to destroy the meteor. We’re apparently against it because we value Shinra’s downfall more than the survival of the planet, so move to stop them from taking Huge Materia from the Corel Reactor. SEPHIROTH, MY LIFE FOR YOU! (Though more likely, we just don’t trust Shinra.)

The Highwind

-Barret wonders wtf we’re supposed to do. Good question.


-Ok, I like Cait Sith now. Spying? Betrayal? Whatever. You just referred to Heidegger and Scarlet as “Gya Ha Ha” and “Kya Ha Ha,” so you’re back in my good graces.

-Cool! Cait Sith, from wherever he is in the Shinra Building, can actually eavesdrop.


Shinra Building – Board Room

-Meeting of the higher-ups, including Rufus, Scarlet, Heidegger, Tseng, and one more guy I forget. The mayor maybe?

-Rufus has two goals: stop the meteor and break Sephiroth’s barrier. Hm. Remarkably similar to my two goals.

-To address the meteor, they’re processing “Huge Materia” to smash the meteor to bits. Go, Shinra! They got the Nibelheim materia, and now just need the materia from Fort Condor and Corel.


The Highwind

-The reaction on the ship to this is negative. I get that Shinra having more power in the form of Huge Materia is bad, but then what’s our plan to destroy the meteor if we stop them?

-Barret seems to miss Cloud. Aw!

Though when Cait Sith points this out to him, he’s not terribly receptive.

-Barret says he’s not cut out to be a leader and wants Cid to be temporary leader. BOOOO!!! BOOO!!!! BOOOOOOOO!!!! Come on, Barret, you can do it! And if not Barret, why not Nanaki? I trust Nanaki’s strategy and leadership about a million times more than Cid’s.



(-This is gonna bug me, but I’ll deal.)


-Next stop is the Corel Reactor.

-It’s not letting me swap out Cid. Whatever. Find. You can stay. But only because Nanaki and Barret allow it.


Mt. Corel

-If I remember correctly, I can reach the reactor through either Mt. Corel or North Corel. I start at Mt. Corel.

-Forgot how beautiful this place is. Possibly my favorite art in the game so far.


Corel Reactor

-Some soldiers fail to stop us outside the reactor.

-A train bursts out! Loaded with freight.

-The party takes another train, drives it parallel (in another mini-game) to the one carrying the Huge Materia.

”Hold my beer."

-We hop aboard.


Non-Phantom Train

-Some walking magnets and a huge armored werewolf.

-LOL – One of the enemies is the “Eagle Gun.” An eagle, but made of metal and its wings are all guns.

It’s the most American thing I’ve ever seen and I LOVE IT.

-Reached the front of the train with about five minutes to go. It said something about how to rotate the levers to stop, but I mistakenly clicked through it. Gonna have to wing this.

-Come on… STOP, damn you…


-This is really frustrating. Just having to watch the clock tick down, while I’m spamming the buttons on the screen, and nothing. No feedback, right or wrong. Nothing telling me whether I’m speeding up or slowing down or making choo-choo noises or anything. Just Cid. Standing there.

-If I have to repeat the last 15 minutes I’m going to be pissed.

-Fuck it. Gonna crash. After five minutes of pushing buttons with no idea of whether I’m doing it right, I’m fine with that as long as this ends. HERE WE GOOOO!!


Next time: After the crash.