Tuesday, August 5, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 43: Titan Unshackled (The Crystals)

Summary: Ceodore stands up to Cecil, then more wandering. We go to Agart, and after a brutal fight, unshackle Titan. The Cave of Eblan and most of the rest of the Overworld are dead ends, but just as my hope was fading I find a new place to try: the Agart Subterrane, a possible path to the underworld.



-GO CEODORE! Standing up to Evil Moon Cecil! Seriously. I’m really proud of him. He thinks it’s his real dad. [“Angel” spoilers] Guvf erzvaqf zr bs "Yvarntr," jura Jrfyrl fgnaqf hc gb NAQ FUBBGF jub ur guvaxf vf uvf erny qnq sbe guerngravat uvf sevraqf naq ybirq barf, ohg vg gheaf bhg gb or Ebob-Qnq.

-Rosa really has terrible dialogue. Half her lines are just names. “Ceodore!” “Kain!” “Cecil!” “Kain!” “Kain!” “Ceodore!”



-Nobody in the streets

-Random monster encounters in town. Ogres and golems, mostly.

-LOL I tried “Goblin,” Rydia’s new summon spell, and it is the worst. It summons a goblin who punches a mob twice for basically zero damage. “Goblin Punch.”

-Evil Moon Girl! Or one of them at least. Chilling out in Agart. Why?

-EMG: “I’m done with this planet.”

-It’s TITAN!!

Poor Rydia.

-Oh god. This is awful. Titan and Rydia have the closest relationship. He saved her as a kid, and I get the sense that they were like family when she was in the Feymarch. This is like Rydia fighting a close uncle.

-None of my characters have levitate. I sense pain.

-Here it comes.

-“???: Float!” WHO

-POROM! Thank you, you rock. After casting this on us, she collapsed and then we went back to the fight.

-Float wearing off…

-OW. “Crush” from Titan = instakill.

-YAYAYAYAY!!! He’s back! Porom better not be dead.

-Whew. She’s safe.



-Only place left for me to explore really is Cave of Eblan, and I may try there, but first just in case, I’ll check Baron out again.

-Yeah, no luck in Baron.

-Ooh! Gnomish Bread sowed me a placed I hadn’t seen! “Chocobo Isle.”

-But nothing really there. Just another summoner spell in a treasure chest. “Chocobo.” Hope it’s better than “Goblin.”


Cave of Eblan

-Arachne (spams Quake) and no Float? NOOO!!!


Ok. A “Summoner” mob shows up. We attack her once. She summons a Goblin (one of the little green dudes we one-shot back at level one), and then she runs away. Leaving our massively powerful party on one side. And the goblin on the other. I can just hear the goblin saying, “Really, dude? Really?”

-Found a Small Tail vendor here, but didn’t have enough.

-Note to self: Arachne = weak to Blizz.

-Yeah. No luck in the Cave of Eblan breaking into the Tower of Babil. The pink glow repels us.

-Golbez calls the Tower of Babil an Interdimensional Elevator. I guess the Evil Moon Gang is using this to teleport the crystals to the moon.


-Hey game, stop giving me these horrifying plant tentacle flower monsters.

Goody. I was running a bit low on nightmare fuel.

-beat it… but a really brutal fight. Emergency exit.



-Not sure what’s next.

-Can’t get to the underworld.

-Yeah. Feeling stuck.



-Maybe Corio, that astronomer from the cutscenes, can help.


-OH HELLO AGART SUBTERRANE!!! I’M NOT STUCK!! This is like being stuck on a crossword puzzle and then finding out the right answer at the last minute.

-First, though, I’ll restock.

-Wow. Really glad I checked that well in Agart where I first dropped the key to open the path to the underworld.


Next time: Agart Subterrane. Hopefully I’ll get to the underworld, maybe get to the Feymarch, find Yang, bring him to the Sylphs, get them on our side, and… I dunno, go from there. It’s a plan.