Monday, August 18, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy – Part 1: Toe in the Water

I put starting this off for a bit.  Change is hard, change is scary, and the desire to change my habits at the start of the day dims the day goes on, and so I’ve put this off.  I’ll try to be honest here when possible, and I can honestly say this will be a challenge because my willpower is atrophied at this point.
But I’ve started now.  Huzzah!


Read These First
 The system is designed around more general quests and class-specific quests.  The classes listed include warrior (strength-based), ranger (cross-trainy), scout (endurance-based), and assassin (agility, flexibility, parkour, etc.).  I’m actually going to hold off on picking a class here.  There are plenty of more general quests available, and I’ll focus on those for now.  I lean towards Scout or Ranger, but again, no need to pick now.
First, NFA goes over the basics of its expectations.  How the academy is structured, what you need for the course, an FAQ.  Much of this is technical, but the core of what I take from it is that this is intended to be for the long haul, and not some quick fix. 
At first, I thought, “Of course, of course.  Now, what massive changes do I have to make?”  But this intuition is unhelpful in two ways:

1)      NFA wants the changes to be gradual, not massive, lest they fail quickly.
2)      NFA wants the changes to not feel like something I HAVE to do.  I’m choosing to do this.  The idea that someone would be forcing changes on me is what put me off from starting in the first place.

Onto the next segment.


Mindset Quests

1.       “Snap Those Before Photos”
I took some before photos.  Front, side, back.  It’s pretty horrifying, and was tough to get through.  I see myself every day, but not with intention of looking at myself.  But the purpose of this isn’t shock value or to scare me straight off frappuccinos.  Rather, it’s to provide a starting point.  

2.       “Take Your Measurements”
Speaking of starting points.
Starting weight: 268.6 lbs

Neck: 16 5/8”
Chest: 47 3/8”
Biceps: 13 1/8” (L) and 12 ½ “ (R)
Waist: 46 ½ “
Hips: 45 1/8 “
Thighs: 27 1/8” (L) and 26 5/8” (R)
Calf: 18 1/8” (L) and 19” (R)

Some of these are probably somewhat inaccurate, as I suck with a tape measure, but I tried to measure around the largest part of whatever.  Except for thigh, where I just picked the middle.  Again, the purpose here is not to say “MY GOD WTF AM I SOME KIND OF MANATEE,” but rather to benchmark.  It’s kind of exciting!  There’s a road to follow, roads start somewhere, and I’m curious where NFA will sweep me to.