Sunday, August 24, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 60: And… Scene (The Crystals)

Summary: The credits. That’s all. That’s enough. Say thankya.


Very cool credits screen! Curtains on the edges, as if this is a theatre production that’s ending.

The credits roll, and as they do so, each main character or main set of characters takes a bow. They (usually) come from stage left, move to the center, bow/wave, and exit stage right.

#1) Cecil and Rosa.

#2) Cid comes out and does a little wave and jump.

#3) Luca and *cowers in the corner* Calca and Brina. Each of them does a slow spin jump and then waves. I know “The After Years” tried to make them into basically good creatures, or at least basically neutral, but I don’t even care. Creepy.

#4) Human forms of Leviathan and Asura.

#5) Hee. Cuore and Rydia.

Cuore is super excited, tugging Rydia onto the stage, and Rydia’s clearlynot moving fast enough for Cuore’s liking.

#6) Edge. When he gets to the middle of the stage, his four trainees each fly onto either side of him from out of nowhere, in their disguised forms (dwarf, toad, etc.).

Then all four do a spin jump and transform into their real forms. They all the NINJA JUMP away. Bye, y’all.

#7) Yang and Ursula. Sheila hustles out to join them.

#8) Porom and Palom. Porom drags Palom out. He’s being all surly about having to come and bow.

Then Leonora pokes her head out from behind the curtain briefly, before retreating back offstage. Palom is able to cajole her out onto the stage, and they all take a bow. I love this.

#9) Edward and Harley, with the ghosts of Tellah and Anna briefly hovering over them.

Spectral photography.

#10) Golbez comes out on stage alone and bows solemnly. BUT WAIT! He’s not alone – he just thinks he is. As he walks out stage right, the ghost of Fusoya briefly appears briefly, watching him, unseen. I know this credit scene was probably done assuming Golbez lives, but still, the visual here is really sad to me. That even in death, Golbez feels alone.

I like to think that if the credits were done based on how my particular game went, they would’ve taken the bow together.

#11) Kain. Of course, he jumps in from above rather than walking onto the stage. Really cool shot of his three selves. He jumps away.

Three Kains.

#12) Ceodore.



Next time: brief thoughts/review/wrap-up on FFIV.