Friday, August 8, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 47: Monsters’ Ball (The Crystals)

Summary: We push through the Lunar Subterrane, and things get weird. More crystals, and more enemies from the past who are clearly there against their will. The Magus Sisters from the Tower of Zot (who guarded Barbariccia), Edge’s parents, and then Scarmiglione.


Lunar Subterrane – B3

-High Wizards down here cast Osmose in retaliation to getting hit. It’s more than a little annoying.

-And Chimera Brains’ Frost Blast still hits like a truck.



-Found a “Lustrous Sword,” but my party can’t equip it. Probably for Ceodore.

-Bone Dragons casting Poison Gas SUCK. The ship vendor doesn’t sell Antidotes, just Remedy (really expensive), so I resort to using my “Staff” back from the early levels to cure up.

-Eukaryote reskins also do this poisoning individually. Not as bad, but still annoying.

-Honestly feels like over half my combat is Ambush or back attack. WHY. Are mobs on this moon that much sneakier?

-Another crystal, like Baigan’s.

-THE ZOT SISTERS?????? Are the crystals physically attracted to old mini-bosses or something? This is so weird, and I can’t wait to hear the explanation.

-The villains seem… well, relieved to lose. I actually feel bad for them.

-We get a cutscene of Edge and his students resting.. He’s annoyed at them for not staying in Eblan, but it’s a gentle chiding only.




-Ebony Dragon’s “Dark Breath” one-shots half my party. I’m not certain, but it may be in retaliation to something I do, so gotta be careful.

-Another crystal. Dr. Lugae and Barnabas.

-His dying words: “Yes! That’s right! I will show them your power.” Again, these guys are not happy to be used it seems like.

-Night time. Palom & Porom. Both are worried for the Elder. Palom’s getting some perspective, and sees Leonora can be a sage – world’s not just about him. He respects Leonora. Porom responds…

…by trolling him. She clearly likes that he’s growing, and she just as clearly likes teasing him for being embarrassed. Learned Twincast band! Too bad I won’t be using them in my party this time around.



-Another crystal. [LOL @Edge: “You have to be kidding me.”]

-Ok. This is pretty fucked up right here. Edge’s PARENTS. DIE IN A FIRE, BOSS-TO-BE-NAMED-LATER-WHO-IS-DOING-ALL-THIS.

-Still two of the coolest looking sprites in the game.

Not again…

-They don’t even attack. Just stand there and say how happy they are to have seen Edge again, and disappear. Wow.

-All the party thinks to themselves about how horrific this is, and about their own parents.

-Night. Luca and Rydia! Really cool discussion here. Rydia notes how happy Luca seems, and wonders if it’s because of Palom. Luca’s all like, “Screw that noise! He’s nice and all, but I get to save the world and learn from master Cid.”

Luca’s perspective.



-Yellow/brownish hue now instead of the pure white of the prior floors.

-Behemoth.. ow.

-Another interdimensional transport.

-Night. Porom and Leonora. Leonora is super formal. She’s surprised to learn that Palom had enough confidence in her to bring her along to the moon.

-And here comes Luca. Urk. I hope this doesn’t get all drawn out and awkward.

-Luca, I love you. “Look, I’m just gonna ask. Do you [Leonora] like Palom or what?” Palom’s listening in on all this of course.

Smooth, Leonora. Smooth.

Learned “Ice Crush Band,” between Leonora, Luca, and Palom. It’s like the super power of a love triangle.

-Another crystal! This one is orange… a dark crystal maybe?

-It’s a necromancer. I don’t remember fighting necromancers. Who…?

-Oh. Scarmiglione. Shit.

-He’s groaning, in pain! Even this poor asshole doesn’t want to be here.

-He retaliates to every hit with Thundaga. OWOWOW.

-First form down, second form to go.

-Second form (again, by ambush) down.

Scarmiglione welcomes death’s release.

-This is fascinating. Scarmiglione was a spirit of the land. He “was hideous, and yet you, Master Golbez, came for me… you and you alone.” HE JUST WANTED A FRIEND, and still loves Golbez. Did I ever expect touching and believable backstory on the four fiends? No, I didn’t. Bless you, game.

Mourning a fiend, mourning a friend.

-Some trash to finish off the level now includes the ubiquitous Mini-Satanas that retaliate with Mini. I hated these guys even back in FFII: Rebirth of Souls, and still hate them now.


Next time: Probably more fiends.