Sunday, August 17, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 52: Hell: the Sequel (The Crystals)

Summary: Descent into hell. Well, still the moon, but a few levels down, we encounter crystals that contain the bosses from Final Fantasy II’s Castle Pandemonium – the castle of hell.


Depths – B7

-Chaos Knights and Great Malboros. Many.


Depths – B8

Not much to say here. Not really finding anything. Are the crystals done?


Depths – B9

-Return of behemoths in force. They’re not hard, but they are sturdy.

-Another crystal. Are we moving on from the mini-bosses onto Chaos?



-This is Astaroth! From Castle Pandemonium, the hell dungeon in FFII. Will we be going all the final FFII mini-bosses and then the final FFIII dark world mini-bosses before reaching the end?

The fallen angel.

-Dang. She’s still got the draining hits, although she seems to do regular melee less often.
-Hey! Coldrun! Note: SLOW THE BOSS.


-Unfortunately, I rarely use band attacks. They just don’t often seem as good as normal spells/base attacks.

Luca, you’re more right than you know.

-Crystal #2: Beelzebub. Looking just as gross as he did in Pandemonium.

Lord of the flies.

-I love his cape. I love how out of place and majestic is looks, just like Kraken’s cape.

-Nothing TOO tough here. He hits hard, casts hard, and dies.

-New evil pudding: Dust Mousse. It’s really hard to kill. I’m not 100% sure what it’s weakest against. Holy maybe?

-Next crystal coming up, and I can’t remember what might be next. Golem of some kind?

-No. King Behemoth. I thought this was an FFIII guy, but my memory’s fuzzy on it.

-He. Hits. HARD. (Usually over 2k.) Knocks off my party left and right.

-Leviathan does good damage.

-Must’ve gone through like 35 x-potions this fight. Seriously tough, but we made it.

Skin of our teeth.

-Last crystal. Iron Giant.

-And the Iron Giant casts Meteor??

Not as friendly as his movie star twin.

-This guy is as nasty as King Behemoth and retaliates like a boss. Have to control my damage, not get destroyed by going too fast without sufficient regard for healing up to prepare for retaliation.

-Psst! Asura! We’re already alive. When we summon you and all of us are alive but with almost no health, we’d rather you HEAL US rather than casting Raise on all of us. Just saying. xoxo

-lol Iron Giant has killed Cecil like 12 times already.


-Rydia: “We’re alive… somehow.” I’m not sure how either, Rydia. That boss was BEASTLY.

-And the FFII floor is clear.

-I still don’t know the endgame. Why is the Evil Moon Boss To Be Named Later summoning these bosses from other games? And remember, it’s not like they’re reaching back to the past. No time travel stuff like in FFI. They’re reaching into PARALLEL DIMENSIONS.


Next time: We’ll probably have to fight the FFIII bosses a few floors down in the Depths.