Friday, August 22, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy – Part 3: Batcave

Mixed start on my goals so far.

-Been doing great on the water goal.  I have bottles of water mostly, and just have it instead of pop 

-Haven’t biked yet.

-Haven’t cooked dinner/lunch.

-Haven’t done push-ups.

-Have had fruit one day, but it was old and gross and I haven’t picked up new fruit yet.


Mindset, continued

#5) “Customize Your Batcave”

The purpose of this segment is to customize by environment in order to make my goals easier.  This is a great idea, and important to do.  

I love baseball.  (Go Mets!)  When you hear a pitcher talk about his role, he won’t usually say his role is to win.  Rather, he’ll say his goal is to put his team in a position to win.  That’s my goal with customizing my environment. 

An example of the kind of change they want me to make is someone who wants to run but has trouble getting up in the morning.  A change that person could make is to go to sleep in their running clothes, to minimize the time.

So!  The quest.  Six environmental tweaks.  Three changes to the daily environment to remove steps to build a new healthy habit, and three barriers to add into my life to keep from falling back into an unhealthy habit.


Removing Steps to Build a Healthy Habit:

#1) Keep the middle of my living room swept and free of debris for easier push-ups.  Doesn’t mean I have to keep my apartment in perfect condition.  Just make a part of the living room exercise-friendly.

#2) Keep a fruit bowl in the refrigerator, stocked with ready-to-eat fruit.  Not in the plastic bag, not shoved into the back of the fridge, but right up front.

#3) Pump my bike up on the weekend, and keep it in my closet facing the door, ready to go.  I would keep it out in the open next to the door, but my cat chews the spokes.


Barriers Build to Keep from Falling Back to Unhealthy Habits



This is much tougher. 

Let’s think logically.  The biggest problem for me is eating out.  When I eat out, I eat more and I eat worse.  I also tend to use a debit card a bunch.  It’s pretty mindless, a way to avoid thinking about immediate consequences.  So!

#1) Only bring a small amount of cash with me when going out and an emergency credit card.
Another habit I want to put up barriers for: my reliance on (diet) soda, and generally unhealthy food at home.  I won’t make this all or nothing.

#2) At home, always have the amount of bottled water in the fridge vastly outnumber the cans of soda.  Just keep a few cans of soda on hand, and mostly cold and fresh water.

Two down.  What else… biking or push-ups.  But remember, Coldrun, this isn’t about building good habits as much as preventing bad habits.  So what are the bad habits around exercise that I have?  The main one is that when I get home, I sit down at my desk, eat, and game.

Here’s an idea:

#3) Keep my bike helmet and rolled-up exercise mat on my desk chair.  If I sit down to game, move my bike helmet from my chair to my desk where I’ll see it, and move my exercise mat to stand against the wall next to me.  Keep them in my mind, in my line of sight. 

Put myself in a position to have an easier and more appealing time building good habits..  Put myself in a position to have a harder time falling into bad habits.