Friday, August 15, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 50: Knightfall (The Crystals)

Summary: We finish off the Lunar Subterrane on Moon #2, but not the moon itself. Cecil’s past Dark Knight-self awaited us, and he one-shots us until Paladin Cecil joins as a party member. He then almost kills us all, but Golbez sacrifices himself (GDJKLSJKLDFSHFJKLDSHJF) to save everyone. EMG pops in to yet again tell us how much she doesn’t care about us, protesting a bit much if you ask me, and we continue to the next section: the Depths.



-A long, crystalline pathway here. Strange. Leading up to some kind of big boss.




-PAST, DARK KNIGHT CECIL. Is that the boss?

-He ---~~~MURDERIZES~~~--- us. Cast “Darkness” to bring us down to 1hp, and then sliced through us one by one.


-Huh? That’s it? That’s all?

-Back to the load screen, but no more stories to pick, and I didn’t get an ending title screen for “The Crystals: The Planet Eater.”

-Let’s try that again. Yup, just as dead.

-Okay. I’m clearly doing something wrong. Let’s try again, but with Cecil in the party. “The After Years” likes nothing better than a little mirror match.

-Better! He brought us all down to 1hp, but then Paladin Cecil “covered” everyone and saved them from Dark Knight Cecil’s killing blows.


-Dark Knight: “Dare you believe this atones for anything? For terrorizing the world? You dare to believe this atones for throwing me aside?” He’s really pissed at Golbez, and sincerely feels betrayed by him! Who are you, dude? Is it like Kain, where Evil Moon Girl or some Evil Moon Boss-To-Be-Named-Later sucked out that part of Cecil and popped him on Moon #2?

-Paladin Cecil is back, and awake!

-Rosa, Cecil, Edge, Rydia vs. Dark Knight. WE… win? Sort of? The Dark Knight sprite disappears.


-He’s really dead. This is the worst.

Grace, at the end.

-Yeah, wtf now. The moon’s still earth-bound. We just went 13 levels deep into the Lunar Subterrane. What happens now?

-Well, Excalibur appeared randomly for Cecil. That’s nice and all, though I thought he already had it.

-Adding Luca back to my party. On we go.

-EVIL MOON GIRL. Apparently Earth’s role is done in her plans.

-She gives us a Gozer-style speech, telling us that she doesn’t care one little bit about what we do now, and that we can die in the manner we choose. I know what I’m choosing.

-When EMG teleported away, a little portal pad appeared. We follow it into, “Depths – B1.”

An alien moonscape.

-Here we go.


Next time: Lunar Depths. I’ve been wrong about this like seventy-three times so far in this fun, if extraordinarily long, game, but I think I’m right this time. This feels like it’s the final plunge, the final dungeon.