Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wildstar - Level 12: Trip Hop

Summary: Helped a village of some drug-addled, bizarre, adorable, (and maybe a little bit racist?) bunnies.



-Starting out in Darkloam Hollow, a Moodie village.

Forlla in the Moodie cave.  Check out that badass.

The quests there exemplify the difference between Mordesh and Aurin.  The Mordesh-given quests were to experiment on the Moodies and analyze their mastery of life and death.

The Aurin-given quest was this delightful bit where I had to save some sentient vegetables from being eaten by GOING UNDERCOVER AS A VEGETABLE AND BREAKING THE OTHER VEGETABLES OUT. :D :D :D

Grateful veggies after the rescue.

-I found item #713 proving that the Eldan are super fucked up: a datacube confirms that one of the Eldan altered the Moodies to give them the ability of necromantic evocation.

-Next area is Hijunga Village.  I can't tell whether the bunny race here known as the Lopp is adorable or a vaguely Chinese caricature. 

You be the judge.

I think the former, but I'm a white dude with a billion blind spots and it could probably go either way. 

Whatever the answer, these guys are Wildstar at its trippiest.  In addition to saving their village from monsters, I have to get wasted on magic mushrooms and bounce around their village in a literal purple haze.

-Hit level 13 while on an assassination mission near Hijunga Village, taking out a group of critters that look like massive rows of teeth covered in fur.

Reminds me of the monsters in the movie Critters, to the point where I have to imagine it's a direct reference.



-Guild creation opens up.  No thanks.  I'll just find a guild to join.  Would be cool to get involved in group stuff.

-New expedition (like Fragment Zero): "Outpost M13."  I could probably queue into it, but I'd much rather wait until I encounter it in the zone story so I have some context.

-New ability tier.  This time, I'll upgrade "Crush," the interrupt.  I've come across some nasty enemies with two interrupt armor rather than one, where my current Crush doesn't interrupt anything.  If I upgrade Crush four ranks, it would break through two armor rather than one.

-Picked up a breadcrumbs quest to get me to crafting!  The hub where I turn this quest in and pick a profession is still far away from me, deeper into Celestion, but I'm really excited.


New Abilities

Soothe: Restores health to our party and generates psi points.  The description says that it does more at "C2, C3, etc." but I don't know what that notation means.

Fade Out: Jumps backwards and "pacifies" nearby enemies, reducing the damage they deal.  This utility ability is very interesting, though I won't take any of my current solo abilities out.