Friday, February 5, 2016

Wildstar - Level 8: The Ballad of Sir Chesh Snuggywums

Summary: The Dominion really like burning trees, so Forlla fought this.  But that pales in comparison to reading the story of the most noble plushie toy ever.


-Starting out saving the forest.  Very Aurin thing to do.  Helping critters escape the burning woods, saving Aurin from burning trees, replanting seeds, killing pyromaniacal Dominion.

-An Eldan Datacube talks about how the sentience of the plant life here makes Nexus perfect for their experiments.  Eldan are creepy.


So I ran into a burning tree to save a kid, and had to save her plush toy.  Found the plushie, picked it up, but also found a story the kid wrote about her plushie fighting a dragon.

The plushie's name: "Sir Chesh Snuggywums Cutie-Tootie Wubwub Widdle Huggable Longbranch."

The story has to be seen to be believed:


In case you're wondering whether Wildstar is worth playing beyond just its famous combat mechanics, look no farther than this bit of lore for a reason why I already recommend both playing and reading the story. <3 <3 <3

-YES!  I know the Aurin are like little forest elves, but making fun of them is like making fun of Aquaman before he summons a swarm of sharks to scarf your mocking ass.  Look at this badass helping me destroy the Dominion!

Don't fuck with nature.



-Unlocked the ability to Salvage items.  For WoW players like me, it seems to be like disenchanting where you break an item down into component parts.  I made the mistake of selling my old items so that I don't have the chance to salvage anything immediately.  Will try to salvage rather than vendor in the future.

-Got Telekinetic Storm, an aoe damage over time.  I'll try to remember this if I start fighting groups at a time.

-New kind of Soldier path mission!  This time, instead of a king of the hill-style "holdout," I had a Demolition mission where I had to go around this area blowing up Dominion fuel tanks.

-That path mission helped me level up to path level 3.  The path/soldier level is separate from my main character level.