Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Coldrun Fitness - Day 123

I'm especially proud of tonight's dinner.  A moment of compromise.

One of my go-to "binges" is a particular fried chicken tender combo meal from a fast food place here in Minneapolis.  The combo has six chicken tenders, two cups of special sauce, cole slaw, Texas toast, and french fries.  It comes to a total of around 1,500 calories.

I was about to do that tonight.  I had eaten well recently and wanted to binge.  Felt the urge for this!  (The tangy sauce is what ties the food together.  Super good.)  Then I remembered - I didn't have to go whole hog. 

Opted for a much reduced version of the meal.  The best parts are the chicken tenders and the sauce.  The rest is nice, but just extra padding.  Ate it, still feel an edge of hunger, and that particular itch is scratched.  Success in small.

Weird, to feel satisfied with eating a dinner of fast food fried chicken for health reasons, but there it is.



  • Two fried eggs and a slice of toast. (320 cal)
  • Pretzels. (240 cal) 
  • Chipotle burrito bowl with white rice, extra vegetables, chicken, salsa, cheese, guacamole. (800 cal) 
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • 3 chicken tenders, special sauce. (650 cal)
  • Half cup of cherry frozen yogurt. (110 cal)
Total calories: 2,300


Exercise: None.