Wednesday, March 4, 2015

FFVII – Part 20: Dances with Chocobos

Summary: Our party engages in glorious dance with chocobos. We head across the marsh, following Sephiroth’s path. Through the Mythril Mines, past hostile Turks, and a detour to Fort Condor.


-Trying to get a Chocobo, but even when I kill the monsters around them, they “Wark Wark” at me and run away. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.


Chocobo Farm

-I head back here to ask the farmer again for directions. I guess I must’ve misunderstood the first time.

-Bah. No luck. Chocobo Bob or whatever his name is offers to sell me greens, but doesn’t give his tutorial on chocobos anymore.

-However, this trip is not a waste. They still just “hmph” at me when I say “Warrk,” but when I answer “Wark…”

The chocobos all dance, and give me a material to summon them. It’s glorious.

-Also, the older guy in the house, Chocobo Bill, tells me the man in black went west through the marshes.



-Ok. This time, I’ll try something a bit different. When I see the chocobo in combat, I feed it the greens immediately, and then kill the monsters.



I ran onto the marsh, and was so excited that I didn’t noticed the Midgar Zolom still attacked me. Being on a chocobo doesn’t make me immune to it, but rather gives me the opportunity to outrun her. Death #2.

-FUCK. Tried to get the chocobo again by feeding it, but it didn’t work. I think I have to feed it and kill the enemies around it while it’s eating, but that’s really tough to do when the enemies are in the back row and take less damage.

-Got another finally. Time to try the marsh again.


-On the other side of the marsh, we see a bloody impaled Midgar Zolom.

Sephiroth is one strong mother. (And his mother is one strong mother too.) Aeris captures this perfectly: “Our enemy is someone who could do this?”

-Just past the Zolom is a cave.


Mythril Mine

-I take Barret, Tifa, and Cloud into the mine.

-A little ways in, we encounter Rude. The Turks are a kidnapping group he tells us. But now they’re trying to stop Sephiroth, who’s heading to Junon Harbor.

-And the whole gang is here. Elena (a newbie), Rude, and Tseng.

-Reno is pissed at us, and is preparing a new weapon for us when he’s healthy. Kinda wish I brought Aeris to see her react to Tseng, but c’est la vie. They all leave.

-I have the option to leave myself, but want to explore a bit more.

-…and the game froze on me. This is a frustrating session. Gotta redo the cave again.

-A fair bit of treasure in this cave, including “Long Range Materia” which lets me attack with full power from the back row. I give this to Tifa, my lowest-health party member of these three.

-Relaxing music in this cave.


Fort Condor

-Outside the mines, I wander a bit find structure to the south. A dude guarding it tells me they’re fighting Shinra, and asks for our help. This seems optional, but I say yes. It’s Fort Condor.

-Atop this mountain are a reactor and a condor. Do they mean a literal condor? Or some kind of super condor? Probably the latter. The reactor has something special in it, and the Shinra are trying to shoo the Condor away.

-Aw, the Condor’s just protecting its egg. Let’s help it.

-This mountain cave town is SO COOL! Like a warren.

Rest and save.


Next time: Save the Condor!

p.s. For no particular reason, here’s Tifa being badass: