Monday, March 2, 2015

Fitness - Day 13: Filling the Schedule

My main goal today is to test the eating schedule I planned yesterday.  I prepared and planned what I will eat today.  As I go through, I'll check off each milestone.

Progress to Nutrition Level 3: Spend one week minimizing liquid calories.
 [2/23/15 = 90cal] -  [3/1/15 = 0cal] -  [3/2/15 = 0cal] -  [   ] -  [   ] -  [   ] -  [   ] 

Breakfast, 7:00am: Slice of toast with butter.  Spam slice.  Two scrambled eggs. - DONE

Lunch, 11:15am: Two PB&J sandwiches.  Banana.  Can of diet caffeine-free Coke.  Two Hershey's almond nuggets. - DONE

Snack #1, 2:30pm: Cheez-its, small cup of frozen pineapple (if it's still in fridge at work - I don't remember). - DONE (sans pineapple)

Snack #2, 5:00pm: Popcorn. - DONE

Dinner, 7:15pm: Pasta with diced tomatoes, canned turkey, and tomato sauce.  Small serving of ice cream. - DONE. (substituted vinaigrette for tomato sauce, as my tomato sauce in the refrigerator had mold.  Note to self: throw out no later than a week after opening.)

To drink during day: water, two cans of diet caffeine-free Coke, cup of green tea. - DONE