Friday, March 20, 2015

FFVII – Part 28: Pain and Chocobos

Summary: We find Dyne. He’s… not doing well. Barret defeats him. Cloud races on a chocobo, and we leave the prison.

Corel Prison

-One of the double-face enemies just cast Cure3 on my party and died. Weird.

-Reached the open desert. The three Lying Liars who Lie told me to go southwest, so I head northeast. It feels like it could be Lost Woods-style setting , but thankfully I don’t get the chance to find out. A couple of screens later, we reach a junkyard.

-It’s Dyne! He’s limping.

DYNE: “I can hear her voice… Eleanor’s voice. Begging me not to hate your rotten guts.”

-The tone of this dialogue is fascinating. Barret expresses his guilt to Dyne, doesn’t judge him, and still asks him to not kill Shinra who had nothing to do with the attack on the village. I can see his perspective.

Dyne expresses his sheer despair with where the world has gone, and doesn’t see a huge difference between the soldiers he killed and the ones who burned his village.

They’re all part of the same thing. I can see his perspective.

DYNE: “I got nothing left in this world. Corel, Eleanor, Marlene…” IS DYNE MARLENE’S BIOLOGICAL FATHER???

-And yet, Dyne wants to fight with Barret after hearing this! Why?

DYNE: “Eleanor’s all by herself. I gotta take Marlene to her.” I’m beyond nervous right now that my prediction earlier in the game, about Barret dying and leaving Marlene alone, will come true in this fight. Doubly so because of Cait Sith’s creepy-ass prediction.

This whole thing is nervewracking and heart-crushing. Ufhdjk.

-They fight. Forgot to watch Barret’s health and died. FUCK LACK OF SAVE STATES. [After the fact edit: yeah, I was just being a bit whiny lol. I have to get used to this after six games with saved states.]

-On the way back, I get attacked in the desert by a giant Beetlejuice-style sandworm. This reminds me that one of y’all recommended the “Worm” audiobook to me, so going to download that and give it a try.

-Barret vs. Dyne: the rematch!

Really tough fight, but I stay healed enough to mitigate his burst, and wear him down.


Dyne still wants to die. He has no hope, and he thinks Marlene won’t even know him. “And what’s more, Barret, my hands are too stained to carry her.”

-Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Dyne gives Barret Eleanor’s pendant for Marlene, walks to a cliff.

Why do you do this to me, game?

He jumps.


Coates’ Hut

-Back in the main prison camp, Barret shows Mr. Coates proof of his ferocity in killing Dyne with Eleanor’s pendant.

-Coates says he’s glad Dyne is dead, that things might calm down in the prison now. Barret doesn’t take this well.

-However, we still can’t go up and out of the prison yet. One of us still has to win a chocobo race, and Barret nominates Cloud.

-Now to register and get a manager. Someone named Ester pops in to help.

I already like her.


Chocobo Racing


-Please. No.

-A mini game. [Switch] for speed up and [Cancel] for slow down. [OK] for a burst of speed.

-Jockeys here seem nice. One of them, Joe, seems like he’ll be a thing in this game.

-Neat. A Ramuh material just happens to be sitting out in the open here. That’s random lol.

-Lost the first race. Came in last place. Kept trying to speed up, but it didn’t really work? Or something? Gah. Wish there were a save point here so I could try later.

-Second attempt: victory!

The surreal chocobo racing track.

I set it to Manual this time, and did much better. Dio’s setting me and my friends free.

-And giving me a gift?

-Woot! He gave us a “buggy” to help us get over rivers and deserts.

-P.S. Dio met Sephiroth! He’s heading toward Gongaga, south of the river.


Next time: Gongaga.