Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fitness - Day 16: Chuck Tender

Another day with a late work event that shifts my eating schedule, but last one for a while.  Home stretch towards Nutrition Level 3.

Progress to Nutrition Level 3: Spend one week minimizing liquid calories.
 [2/23/15 = 90cal] -  [3/1/15 = 0cal] -  [3/2/15 = 0cal] -  [3/3/15 = 0cal] -  [3/4/15 = 0cal] -  [3/5/15 = 0cal] -  [   ]

Experimented with cooking a bit today.  Nothing too wild, but...

Wait.  I don't know why I wrote that.  What's the point of putting myself down even in that little way?  No point.  I have to watch that.

Anyway.  I was at Target the other day and saw steak on sale.  Four cuts of 4oz. chuck tender steak.  Didn't know what that was, but it looked tasty, and I haven't really cooked steak before.  So got some help from the internet and Mark Spoils, made adjustments based on the ingredients and equipment at home, and cooked.


Seasoned the steak with salt, pepper, and olive oil.  Heated a pan to medium-high, and plopped down the steak.  Four minutes, flip, four minutes flip.  Turned down heat a bit to medium.  Let it sit for another 6-7 minutes, and ate it.

Supplemented it with some frozen/boiled pearl onions.  All good.


Breakfast, 6:45am: Two scrambled eggs, two slices of Spam. - DONE

Lunch, 11:00am: Two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, banana, and two Hershey almond nuggets. - DONE

Snack, 2:00pm: Cheez-its. - DONE

Snack, 3:45pm: Bagel with cream cheese. - DONE

Dinner, 9:00pm: Two 4oz. slices of steak (chuck tender) with pearl onions and small serving of ice cream. - DONE