Tuesday, December 8, 2015

FFVIII – Part 9: Pell-Mell Zell

Summary: Back at the school, the class gets ready for the SeeD tests. The squad assembles, led by Seifer. We meet the absolutely ridiculous Zell.

B-Garden School

-When we enter the school, Quistis gives a tutorial on experience and AP and leveling up GFs. Most of this is stuff I’d picked up, but it’s nice to know that if I completely learn a GF ability and forget to change to a different one manually, the game automatically starts putting new AP towards an unlearned ability.

-Squall’s gotta change into his uniform and assemble. Sounds like it’s test time.

-The question I had earlier get answered. The draw point I used before leaving for the Fire Cavern is replenished and I drew some more Cure.

-Went back to the dorm and changed. Rested up there to replenish health.

-Checked in on my GFs, and Quezacotl has an ability called “Boost.” Dunno what this does. The description is uniquely unhelpful: “Boosts GF.” It’s only 10 points, so I’ll go for it and see what happens.

-Back in the lobby, Quistis is assembling the SeeD test squads. Quistis is in a squad with a “lively fellow” named Zell Dincht.

-LOL YES! Squall knows him and just finds him annoying, which makes me pleased.


-wtf are you doing zell hahaha

-He’s literally doing martial arts punches and kicks in the hall and backflips and a big grinning thumbs up to finish it off.


“Booya” “Burning Rave” Is this the bro-est of the bros?

-Getting major Sabin vibes, partly because the “Duels” remind me of Sabin’s blitzes in terms of being combinations.

-Something tells me I’m going to enjoy Zell (intentionally or unintentionally) trolling the shit out of SuperSerious!Squall.

-hahahahahah – just as Zell is going on with Squall about how he heard Seifer was giving him a hard time but should ignore him, Squall started to respond with “That’s none of your business,” but couldn’t. Because Quistis did it for him. A little mocking “That’s none of your business” from the side.

-And Seifer’s the squad leader. Awesome.

-Seifer wanders in from the front gate, with Fujin (RAAAAGE) and Raijin in tow. I hope I get to play as Fujin.

SEIFER: “Instructor… I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?” Eat a bag of hell, Seifer, eh? Do not rebuff good wishes from Quistis.

-Oh, nm. I briefly forgot that Quistis is the best. She hears his comment, acknowledges it, and responds:

You’re my everything.

-This annoys Seifer of course. “Add instructor Trepe to the list!” Though we get no further explanation for what the list is at the moment. Probably a shit list of some sort since he, Raijin, and Fujin are the Disciplinary Committee.

-Just as Seifer starts to be an ass again, Headmaster Cid appears. Getting some sick beats in support.

-Twelve members on this test, heading to a real battlefield.

-Real SeeD members will be joining in support, and to get the job done if we fail. This sounds kind of sinister… but that’s often par for the course with Cid. A good man employing his talents in service of a somewhat shady organization or goals (see also: working for Baron in FFIV, amplifying the crystals in FFV, working for the empire in FFVI.)

Though I’m being too harsh probably. We don’t know anything really about the SeeD mercenaries. Maybe they have a strong ethical code about the kind of jobs they take and are ultimately the good guys. But it just sounds… seedy.

-The teams roll out. Not sure how it’ll work with so many characters on this team, but since I didn’t have the chance to select a name for Raijin and Fujin, maybe they’ll just be off to the side doing their own thing.

-Headmaster Cid says that they haven’t found a gunblade specialist yet for SeeD, hence the inclusion of Seifer and Squall.

-The team piles into this sweet car in the parking lot and drives off.

A haze of green and gold.


Next time: Annoyance in the Turtle Van.