Friday, December 11, 2015

Coldrun Fitness - Day 138

Overate, but didn't binge.  Made some good choices (like not getting fries with a burger or eating a bread when I didn't need it) and some bad choices (like eating a croissant in the morning, a cookie in the afternoon, or lots of pretzel nuggets in the evening).

I'm close.  If I had made a better choice one of those three times, I would've been fine.  Close.


  • Two Eggo waffles with light maple syrup. (300 cal)
  • Jelly croissant. (300 cal).  
  • Small peppermint mocha. (270 cal) 
  • Burger with mushroom with side greens. (840 cal) 
  • 2 cookies. (400 cal) 
  • Lettuce with some rice/chicken casserole. (200 cal) 
  • Pretzels. (280 cal) 
Total calories: 2,590



Walked 30+ minutes, though didn't track the time.