Friday, November 14, 2014

FFVI – Part 17: Cyan, Gau and Mr. Thou (Sabin’s scenario)

Summary: We head east to Mobliz across the Veldt. Gau bugs us for food on the way, but it’s only after stocking up on Dried Meat in Mobliz that can feed him. He then eats, joins us, and pisses off Sabin as much as humanly possible. It’s glorious.

The Veldt

-I LOVE this music. It’s got this intense, driving sound.

-Gau pops up after combat. “Uwaoo! Ooh. I’m hungry!”

-Apparently not hungry enough for the Green Cherry I throw at him. Not sure what to do. We hit him, he runs.

-More Veldt exploring. This place is big.


-Found a “Mountain Cave” south of the Veldt, but it just led to a cliff. Guess we’ll come back later.



-They use carrier pigeons.

-Someone up north threw out his own kid, thinking he was a monster. I guess that was Gau’s dad.

-Monsters migrate to the Veldt from all over. Hm. Maybe it has some kind of monster artifact buried underneath? Dunno.

-The armor/weapon shops are intimidating. I already have EIGHT playable characters to buy things for. Gonna take it slow and only buy stuff for the current party. And Gau, since I’ll probably get him soon.

-PUPPY! Shadow’s pup is staring at a guy wearing banana peel.

-Oh. I guess it’s a different pup.

-Aha! The inn sells dried meat. Almost lunch time, Gau.

-Random Dude: “Ocean currents run through the Serpent Trench.” The camera then pans out, along an ocean path that leads from our continent eventually to a town near Narshe (I think?). That town is Nikeah. The guy said he can’t ride the currents because they lost their diving helmet. Sounds like a quest!

-A wounded soldier inside a house. He gets letters from Maranda. Maybe the guy Leo talked to?

-Never mind. This guy’s an imperial soldier, but he was impressed against his will. The guy Leo talked to was a die-hard Gestahlite. This soldier is receiving love letters from Lola in Maranda. Pretty nice one, too, but he’s too wounded to reply.

-At another house, we get the choice to send a letter to Maranda on the soldier’s behalf for 500 gil. Let’s do it.

-The entrance to the Serpent Trench is in the Crescent Moutnains, south of the Veldt. I guess that was where the cave went.

-Two lovebirds (human, not literal lovebirds) – Duane and Katarin – are having a staring contest. A romantic staring contest.

-Lunch time.


The Veldt

-We give meat to Gau, and he bounces all around the screen with happiness. This is awesome.

-LOLOL – Sabin reminds me a lot of Dean Winchester, in terms of basically being a big child. He and Gau are scrapping, and Gau is totally screwing with him. Gau’s all “MOAR FUD PLZ *poke poke*” with Sabin responding all “MOOOOM HE’S TOUCHING ME.”

These two.

-Cyan to Gau: “And thou, o wild one, who might thou be?” Gau latches onto this word. “Thou! Thou!”

-Oh no, Cyan’s feelings are hurt! Gau feels bad for hurting Gau. Sabin pulls Gau aside to tell him what just happened to Cyan, why he’s not in a joking mood, and Gau is remorseful.

-He wants to give us a present?

-HAH! Sabin is now “Mr. Thou.” Sabin clearly is annoyed by Gau’s nickname for him, making it even better.

-The shiny present is on Crescent Mountain. There next.

-I love this. Sabin is SO ANNOYED by Gau, and Gau responds by trolling the shit out of him.

-This is hard to describe. Sabin hangs back after Cyan and Gau walk off, shaking his head. Gau then kind of moonwalks backwards into the screen to get “Mr. Thou” to come along.

It’s kind of hilarious. Just like this whole scene.

Gau concept art


Next time: south bound on the Veldt to get Gau’s present.