Thursday, November 6, 2014

FFVI – Part 9: Seafood Soup

Summary: A trip down the Lethe River. Some twists and turns. Then ULTROS (nee Orthros)!! Witty banter, massive damage, and horrifyingly NC-17 tentacle imagery. We sort of win, but Sabin jumps into the river to punch Ultros because reasons. Then a choice.

River Lethe

-Hopped onto the raft. We must protect Banon.

-Cool! We get to choose which way to go at this river fork.

The theme of choice, in both storytelling and game mechanics.

I’m a lefty, so left it is.

-Banon’s “Pray” is an awesome group heal. I was worried that it’d be like Rosa’s similar ability in FFIV, where there was a decent chance it could fail altogether, but it seems to do a group heal 100% of the time.

-Save point. Uh-oh.

Still confused on enemy names.

-Another fork: left or up. Again, left.

-Another save point?

-An octopus swims up to us.

-ULTROS! He’s the dude with that goofy grin and goofy eyes and goofy dialogue who obliterated me a few times in FFIV: The After Years. He was called Orthros then.

-ULT: “Gwee-hee-hee! You’re up the creek without a paddle! I’m not gonna let you through though. Does that make me a bad octopus?” WTF. I’d been comparing Kefka to Gilgamesh previously, but already Ultros reminds me of him much more.

-Terra casts Fire. It hits hard, and Ultros doesn’t like it. “YEEEOUCH!! Seafood soup is NOT on the menu!” LOLOLOL

-…holy crap. Ultros went from goofy to seriously creepy.


He just hit on Terra while joking about his tentacles, followed by a sound effect, *sluuuuuuuurp.* I’m kind of really skeeved out by Ultros now?

-And he followed that up by literally hitting her with his tentacle. It hits HARD. I got lucky with the timing on Banon’s “Pray" to heal up right after.

-After Sabin’s Blitz: “Muscle heads? Hate ‘em!” Then he retaliates with his tentacle at Sabin for almost all his life. OW.

-We win as Ultros splashes down, and the musc goes from boss music to goofy.

-The camera though sticks with the combat screen, as the party looks over the egde of their raft. I guess Ultros didn’t die. Just lurking.

-Is he about to do a Free Willy leap over the raft?

-wait what

-Sabin wants to jump in the water and Blitz Ultros? Why? My cat’s had better ideas, and his brain is the size of a peanut.


No kidding.

-Predictably, it doesn’t go well. Ultros bats him out of the water, rocketing Sabin away from the raft and down a different fork than where the river takes us. See you down the line, Sabin.

-The rest of our party continues on. No combat before we get off the river.


Scenario Select




-You have no idea how much I love this. I LIVE for shifting perspectives in storytelling.

-Ok, so we get to a scenario select screen. I assumed that we’d just meet up with Locke at some point in the future, and same with Sabin. I assumed that we’d follow Terra and whoever her companions were at a given time (Edgar and Banon at the moment).

Which path?

But no. FFVI is thinking bigger than that. This isn’t just Terra’s story, and we see more. One of the moogles who helped save Terra and Locke in the Mines of Narshe, Mog (alas, not Cosmog), tells us to choose a scenario.

1)We can play as Locke sabotaging the Empire in South Figaro.
2)We can play as Terra, Edgar, and Banon going to talk to the esper in the Mines of Narshe.
3)We can play as Sabin, drifting down the river to something???

I have have HAVE to assume that we get to play all of these. (PLEASE?) So the question is: which first?

I leave to y’all. If nobody votes, or if there’s a tie, I’ll just pick one, but if there’s any reader interest I’ll go with that. ALL OPTIONS SOUND AWESOME, and I’m really curious what happens in each.

So which scenario do I do?

Voting will end tomorrow around 6pm central, tomorrow (11/6).


Next time: TBD!