Friday, November 21, 2014

FFVI – Part 23: Class Warfare

Summary: We dive into the sharply divided cities of Jidoor and Zozo. Jidoor is beautiful, complete with an unsettling gallery of paintings and an auction house, while Zozo is a hive of scum and villainy. More clock puzzles. We find Terra.


-Walked south to Jidoor.

-All the poor people were forced out and built a town up north. That’s fucked up. I automatically mistrust Jidoor. Something tells me though that the poor city won’t be portrayed in the most pleasant light.

-Shady kids from Zozo (other town’s name?) sometimes prey on the people of Jidoor.

-Terra flew off to the northern mountains.

-Maria is a beautiful opera diva. Possible new party member?

-There’s an auction house.

The charming and modest citizens of Jidoor.

Hey, someone mentions an artifact to bring back lost souls! No doubt Locke’s ears perked up. Problem: the artifact is in Vector, the Imperial capitol. Have fun storming the castle.

-Sharp class divides even here in Jidoor, even with the poor people all having left.

The middle class is literally on the lower tier of the city.

-Massive house in north of town.

-Apparently, everyone in Zozo is a dirty liar.


Owzer’s Mansion

-Celes apparently looks like Maria. Again – my FF spidey-senses are going off and saying “Celes’s long-lost sister?” I was wrong last time with Terra. Let’s see this time.

-Owzer owns lots of paintings.


I call it: “Seafood Soup.”

-The flower still life says: “It’s almost as if they were alive…” Oh crap. Are the flowers real? Is this some “Witches” bullshit?



-I know that I should go to Zozo next, but I really want to see the opera house. So I head south.

-I LOVE THE OPERA HOUSE MUSIC. It screams “Old Timey.”

Too bad the building’s closed for now. Let’s head north to the mountains.



-A rainy city?

-A city with random encounters? wtf

-A city with even more awesome music!!

-Hill Gigas’s sprite is GINORMOUS. And its “Magnitude 8” spell hurts like hell.

-Another clock puzzle. A clock in the north of town asks me to set a specific time. Hm.

-I see a room near the clock I can’t get to.

-WTF – a Harvester stole all my gil!

-Phew. I get it back after winning the fight. But talk about an incentive not to flee.

-Ok, I think the Hill Gigas only uses Magnitude 8 in retaliation to Drill.

-…never mind. I guess he does it randomly. Huh.

-Someone says the second hand should read 30. Another person says it should be “at the four” (read: 20). Who’s telling the truth?

-LOLOL – I love how they embraced this whole “city of liars” thing.

“Nope, no strange flying pink girls here!”

-More people telling me different times.

-What are we waiting in line for? And why do the denizens of Zozo wear banana peels on their heads?



I get to jump between buildings.

-Top of a building, and this guy is super polite. It’s freaking me out.

-Of course. Boss time.

A martial-arts-dude named Dadaluma.

-Hm. That was kind of easy. Just a few rounds, and victory. Gau’s “Cat Scratch” is an all-star.

-Got Hermes Sandals. Nice.

-TERRA IN BED! Hi, Terra. Still in pink Jem form.


Next time: what’s up with Terra?