Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FFVI – Part 22: Rachel

Summary: We head to Kohlingen, and get some backstory on Rachel, the woman of whom Celes reminds Locke. Before following Terra’s path further south, we hit up a cabin in the north inhabited by someone who wants to build a coliseum.


-This town is a short walk north of Figaro’s new location.

-Terra flew here, then south to Jidoor.

-SHADOW AND PUPPY! In the pub. But they won’t give me the time of day.

-Someone’s younger brother lives up north and will build a coliseum. Ok.

-Someone here recognizes Locke: “Have you stopped by Rachel’s house?” Is Locke from here?

-Rachel used to live here, but no more.

-Ooh, there’s an opera house south of Jidoor.

That’s kind of awesome.

-We go to the basement of a house with wacky music planning. An old man is down there, and a women in a bed surrounded by roses.

His treasure’s safe? Huh? Is she the treasure?



-Ok. The old man’s making her sleep forever. Is she sick and being put in stasis?


-Her spirit’s gone? Now I’m curious.

-Old man: “A way to call her [spirit] back, eh? …You mean that legendary treasure? Hee-hee-hee…” I have no idea what’s going on. Best guess at this point is that some soul-sucking monster got to her and there’s some treasure that can bring it back.

-If Locke had this mysterious treasure, he could call her back. Hm.


Present Kohlingen

-Celes is clearly affected hearing all this.

-We move west to Rachel’s house.



-Aw. Rachel and Locke are “treasure-hunting” together. I like that we get to see this.

-A bridge was collapsing with Locke on it. Rachel dove and pushed him onto safe ground, but she fell down.

-Back in town, she wakes up in bed. But has amnesia. Really, game? Amnesia?

-Her parents kick him out. So how did she go from amnesiac to spirit-less?

-One of Locke’s friends convinces him to let her go, to let her start fresh. This whole storyline is pretty weird so far.


Present Kohlingen

-A year went by. He came back and found the Empire had killed her. She regained her memory at the last minute. Her dying word was “Locke.”

-Well, now we know why Locke has been so gung-ho about not letting down those he considers under his protection.

-Wait. I’m still confused. Is Rachel dead, or she in a spirit-less stasis? Locke said he heard well after the fact about her dying words, since he had moved on, so it can’t be that he got to her at the last second and saved her on the brink of death. Maybe someone else put her in the stasis.

-Done here for now.

A random monster I met outside of town.


Dragon’s Neck – Cabin

-Found a cabin north of Kohlingen. Does the coliseum guy live here?

-Found “Hero’s Ring.” Nice! Take it, Gau.

-The guy in the cabin does want to build coliseum, as a monument to war.

Sounds like an idea that can’t possibly go awry.

-Aw. Poor baby. Nobody will help him build his MONUMENT TO WAR. Perhaps that’s a side quest for us, to find magic bricks or something to help him get his project on the road. Dunno.

-Nothing else to do here at the moment, but I imagine we’ll see him down the road.


Next time: The search for Terra continued, south to Jidoor.