Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - Daily Log, 11/2/14

"So this is what you meant when you said that you were spent.
And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit
Right to the top."
                                                 -"It's Time," Imagine Dragons


Progressed on every single one of my quests.  Tired.  

 I don't need every day to be like this, but it really charges me up for the coming week.  It gives a spot of hope that maybe in time I actually can get where I want to go.

Food Log

8:30am: Omelet with American cheese, tomato, green pepper.  Fruit cup. (750 cal)

9:45am: 12oz skim chai latte. (160 cal)

11:00am: Mint chocolate bar.  Popcorn. (1,300 cal)

3:00pm: Cream of celery soup. (150 cal)

6:00pm: Roast chicken breast (salt, pepper, paprika, little bit of olive oil) with marinara sauce and brussel sprouts. (280 cal)

6:30pm: Fruit cup. (50 cal)

Total: 2,690 calories


Quest Progress

-Ate fewer than 2,700 calories for "Nutrition: Leveling up to Nerd Fitness's Diet Level Three."

-Rode my bike for 15 minutes for "Become a Mover: Level Two."

-Only caffeine I drank was a chai tea latte for "Nutrition: The Caffeine Challenge, Level One, Part Two."

-Went for an 11 minute walk for "Fitness: Walk for 11 Minutes This Week."

-Worked out for "Complete 6 Weeks of Your Workout Plan."  I hadn't done it in a couple of weeks, and the specter of it was looming larger and larger, so I just did it.  One set, best I could, as well as a full warm-up and cool-down.

Set #1
5 strict push-ups, 5 knee push-ups
15 bodyweight squats
10 dumbbell rows per arm, 20 pound weights.
20 bodyweight lunges
15 second plank

My goal for the rest of this quest is to workout on Sunday and [Wednesday or Thursday].  Food is still the main challenge, and I want to build this as a habit without going too hard.

-Ate dinner mindfully for "Become a Focused Eater: Level Two."

-Cooked dinner for "Become a Cooker: Level Two."

-Ate mixed fruit cups for "Become a Fruit Eater: Level Two."


"The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell
Right to the top."