Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FFVI – Part 8: Team Free Will

Summary: Our team heads up north to the Returners’ Hideout. We meet Banon. Terra makes a choice. The Empire takes South Figaro and moves on the Hideout, so our scrappy band of rebels splits up.

Returners Hideout

-We arrived here after a short walk north from South Figaro.

-Very “rebelly” music.

-The Returners looks like 1920 aviators. I like it.

Screencap found on

-Hi, Banon! He’s got a sweet lion’s mane going.

-Terra’s freaked out hearing her deeds (communicating with the esper, wiping out 50 soldiers) laid out.

-Banon, don’t be a dick.

He’s starting to give this Pandora’s Box analogy to Terra, I guess about how magic is the corrupt fruit of curiosity or whatever. It’s not like she chose to get magic, and it’s neutral imo, not inherently evil.

-Oh. Never mind. His analogy ends with the idea that at the bottom of Pandora’s box, after all the sins escaped, hope was left. He sees her and her ability as their hope. Aw.

-Rest time.

-Terra wakes up, with Locke nearby. He says the empire stole someone from him. Who’s in the fridge? Girlfriend, wife, mother? My bet’s on girlfriend.

-As she walks around the hideout, I like that the Returners aren’t assuming she’ll help or forcing her.

It’s her choice.

-Ok… wandered around a bunch… what now?


Oh! Banon went outside. BANON: “Will you become our last ray of hope?” YES – NO

-For giggles, I choose no. He looks sad. Terra walks away.



-Since Terra didn’t join the Returners, the Empire continued to run roughshod over the world. The Returners are bound in chains and the Empire’s soldiers can ride them like ponies. All hail Emperor Gestahl.

Next time: That was a fun game. Onto FFVII!


-…FINE. I go back to Banon, and say “Yes.” I love that, while I the player have no choice, Terra clearly has a choice. If she said “no,” Banon really would have let her go.

-Banon gives us a charm. What a charmer. It’s a “Gauntlet” relic.

-He calls a family meeting.


Returners Meeting

-Issue: where did the Empire get magitek armor? I had assumed they reverse-engineered it from Terra, but I guess not.

-Answer: from studying the mysterious espers. (Note: still no clue what these are beyond magic frozen chicken.) Some connection with the War of the Magi? Dunno.

-So Espers are magicky, and somehow the Empire’s draining them to power magitek armor.

-HUMANS TOO?? WOW. Humans have been infused with the same power. IS THAT HOW TERRA GOT HER MAGIC???

-Edgar wants his own magitek armor, but Banon says no (good for you). That way would lead to a probably repeat of the War of the Magi.

-Banon instead wants Terra to chat with an esper. Because reasons? Maybe the esper will talk and tell us secrets or something. I dunno.

Bless you, Sabin.

-Uh-oh. What’s going on?

-A dying messenger stumbles into the hideout. South Figaro’s been taken by the Empire, and they’re heading to the hideout now.

-Time for Locke to sneak into South Figaro to slow down the empire’s advance. See ya, dude. The rest of us will escape down the Lethe River (very appropriately named for Terra), to Narshe. RAFT TIME!


Next time: A trip down the River Lethe.