Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - 11/23/14 Log

Weighed in today: 264.8.  Going to do this weekly. 


7:15am: Two scrambled eggs with Spam slice (God bless Minnesota) and a slice of sourdough bread. (500 cal)

11:30am: Chipotle burrito bowl with half order of rice, green pepper, onion, steak, tomato, cheese, guacamole. Iced chai tea latte. (1080 cal)

3:00pm: Mixed nuts. Frozen fruit cup. (410 cal)

7:15pm: Two chicken breasts with marinara sauce, white rice, and green beans.  Bottled mocha frappuccino. (700 cal)

Total: 2,690 calories.


Quest Progress

-Stayed under 2,700 calories for 3rd day of "Nutrition: Level Up to Nerd Fitness Diet Level Two."


Food Plan for Tomorrow

Breakfast: Egg sunnyside up with two Spam slices, sourdough slice, and iced skim chai latte. (720 cal)

Lunch: Microwave chicken pesto meal with wheat thins.  Bottled mocha frappuccino. (620 cal)

Snack: Mixed nuts and frozen fruit cup. (410 cal)

Dinner: Rotini with carrots and marinara sauce.  Strawberry frozen yogurt with chocolate sauce. (530 cal)

Total: 2,280 calories
Available for flex:420 calories