Monday, November 3, 2014

FFVI – Part 6: If I Were a Rich Man

Summary: We continue to explore the ginormous and treasure-laden town of South Figaro. Cider angers me. Relics, gil, potions, secret passages, and a semi-shady rich man. We then head up to Duncan’s cabin and east to Mt. Kolts.

South Figaro

-Someone’s trying to bring cider to an old man. I’ve played enough RPGs to guess that this is not just random flavor text. I follow him out, he leads us around town to an old man, and gives him cider. The old man says he won’t talk to me unless we bring him cider.

Fine. This feels kind of Zelda-ish. I keep going back to the initial house to buy cider, but it doesn’t work. The dude keeps reappearing, taking the cider, and teleporting faster than I can race him to the old man’s house. Grrr. After failing at this for the fourth time, I give up for the moment.

-Relics shop! Let’s get… some Silver Spectacles (for darkness), some Star Pendants (for poison), a pair of Sprint Shoes, and a Jeweled Ring (for petrify). Such a cool system.

-This town is already one of the biggest I remember from all of FF, with so many hidden nooks and crannies.

-Found Duncan’s house, but he’s away with his students at Mt. Kolts to the east.

-Exploring the rich man’s house. Found a potion-filled room – huzzah!

-So far, FFVI rewards clicking on boxes, barrels, and clocks FAR more than any prior FF game. I’m still bitter about FFII, which punished me for exploring by filling it’s dungeons with rooms that had no treasure chest and brutally hard monsters. This is like the beautiful polar opposite.

-Woman in rich man’s house: “There’s a nasty draft in this room.” SECRET DOOR? YES! The hall it led me to has a save point which makes me nervous and a mess of potions, gil, etc. It also has “An old clock… it’s ticking.” Seems puzzle-ish, especially since the same room also has “an old clock… it’s not ticking.” Can’t figure out the puzzle though, so I’ll come back later.

House with a clock in its walls.


-The rich man gave me some flavor text when I talked to him, but I’m no longer sure it’s flavor text. He’s writing a letter: “The city’s eastern border… so attacking from there would…” Why is he writing about attacking the town?

He could be just a guard captain or whatever, but that’s not really a rich man post. He also could be in the town military, but again, he comes off as “generic rich dude” rather than “stately military type.”

Plus, his daughter starts to tell us about him getting military visitors before shutting up in an “I’ve said too much already” way.

-Despite all that, his son wins me over with his spot-on magitek soldier impersonation.

-Everyone in town is on edge for fear of war with the empire.

-Ok. Time to move on.


Duncan’s Cabin

-Wandered north to Duncan’s cabin, but nobody’s home.

-EDGAR: “These dishes… they’re just like the ones he always used!” Sabin = Duncan?

-Edgar goes through the same reminiscinces with the flowers and the tea in the cabin. Dunc-bin it is.

-LOL – we just walked through Dunc-bin’s bed and went to sleep. Kind of presumptuous of us.

-EDGAR: “Could Sabin be living here?” I’m gonna say ‘yes.’

-We exit the cabin, and now an old man is standing outside. He says that the person living here heard Duncan was killed and went into the mountains to find him.

-Oh. Hm. Right. I forgot that Duncan has a son who apparently sucks, Vargas, destroying my Dunc-bin theory. Sabin’s probably Duncan’s student then, the one someone in our party (Edgar I now guess) reminded someone in South Fargo of.

-We head east to Mount Kolts.


Next time: Mt. Kolts.